Author Topic: Amidst growing backlash, Duncan offers half-hearted apology for ‘white suburban moms’ comment  (Read 920 times)

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Offline Cincinnatus

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Monday, U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan expressed regret for the “clumsy phrasing” he used during a recent discussion about why some parents are turning against Common Core.

In his original remarks, Duncan said “some of the pushback is coming from, sort of, white suburban moms who – all of a sudden – their child isn’t as brilliant as they thought they were and their school isn’t quite as good as they thought they were, and that’s pretty scary.”

Duncan’s “white suburban moms” comment appeared to refer to the controversy that’s brewing in New York, where parents are upset that their children were given – and bombed out on – state standardized tests last spring that were aligned with the new Common Core standards, even though students were primarily being taught under the old ones.

Duncan was apparently referring to that situation on Friday when he made his infamous “white suburban moms” comment.

In a new blog, Duncan explains that his “aim was to say that we need to communicate better to all groups – especially those that haven’t been well reached in this conversation (about Common Core).”

“I want to encourage a difficult conversation and challenge the underlying assumption that when we talk about the need to improve our nation’s schools, we are talking only about poor minority students in inner cities,” he adds.

It’s unlikely Duncan’s not-quite-an-apology will stem the tide of criticism – from the political left and right –he received in the wake of his original comments.

The strongest criticism came from U.S. Rep. Steve Stockman, a Texas Republican, who blasted Duncan’s comments as a “dismissive slur” and called for his firing.

“It’s typical of the Obama administration’s disrespectful treatment of women who express differing opinions. (Duncan) even called moms and dads with families ‘fringe groups,’” Stockman said in a press release. “If there is a ‘War on Women’ the Obama administration just launched a tactical strike.”

Even American Federation of Teachers President Rhonda “Randi” Weingarten said Duncan’s comments reveal he “really doesn’t get it,” presumably a reference as to the real reason many people have misgivings about the national Common Core standards, which are being implemented in roughly 45 states

He should be fired for his comment. If he were a Republican the Leftist lynch mob would have had his job the day after he said it.
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