Author Topic: Is The Oprah plalying the race card against Obama's critics too soon?  (Read 498 times)

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Is Oprah Playing the Race Card Against Obama’s Critics Too Soon?
by Betty Butter • 15 November, 2013 • Celeb, Politics • 3 Comments

Surely Oprah is trying to help the President by vilifying his critics as being racists, but with the possibility of things getting worse, she may have played that race card too soon.

What President Obama is going through may be bad, but with all that is to unfold with ObamaCare, things could get worse for him.

The sticker shock on insurance premiums hasn’t really sunk in to a lot of individual insurance purchasers.

Millions of people who get their insurance through their employers may be yet in for a rude awakening when they are told that their share for insurance will be higher, or that their spouses have been dropped from the company’s insurance rolls.

Many companies may still be holding off on demoting employees to being part-timers, too.

And don’t forget in 2015 when people find out that the IRS penalty for not having insurance will be $95 only if one’s taxable income amounts to $9,500.  $95 is only the starting point.  It actually will be 1% for not having insurance in 2014 and most people’s taxable income is higher than $9,500.  And of course, the next year the amount doubles, and then it goes up from there.

What other kinds of cards does Oprah have in her secret weapon cache?  We’ve already heard the race card played before from the likes of Janeane Garofalo, Rachel Maddow, and others, and it’s already old and stale.

She and other Obama supporters are about to find themselves having to bring out that tired old card over and over again during the next three years, and they will end up sounding like a bunch of yapping Chihuahuas in the wind.