Author Topic: John Kerry & Barack Obama - a nincompoop following a moron  (Read 560 times)

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John Kerry & Barack Obama - a nincompoop following a moron
« on: November 16, 2013, 01:07:41 pm »

John Kerry & Barack Obama – A Nincompoop Following a Moron

A friend of mine "disappeared" for about a year or so for the "crime" of calling then Senator John Kerry a "traitor." That is not wholly accurate.   If his actions were truly considered a "crime" there would have had to been formal charges. There were none. So I suppose the proper term is "detained."

Personally, I don't think John Kerry qualifies as a "traitor." I have examined the histories of a number of so-called "traitors" from Judas Iscariot and Benedict Arnold to John Anthony Walker Jr. and they all seemed to possess a characteristic that has evaded Mr. Kerry all his life - true intelligence.

obama_kerry001_16x9Political savvy and true intelligence are not necessarily mutually exclusive traits, but are seldom found in a single person and the latter trait appears to have successfully evaded Mr. Kerry throughout his life which I suppose is what made him such a perfect choice for Secretary of State serving the Moron in the White House; aka: the DSIC (Dip-Stick in Charge).

I may never know for certain, but I do believe my personal experiences and knowledge garnered from years of living in different parts of the Middle East makes me more qualified to deal with Middle East issues than either of the two buffoons currently doing their best to precipitate nuclear warfare in that part of the world; whether from sheer ignorance or malfeasance, only history may be able to determine.

I worked in Iran under the Shah until the day that the Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Tehran on February 1, 1979. I lived with my family in an Iranian neighborhood with no other non-Iranians within miles of my residence. I stood in line to buy fresh Barbari bread and shopped in the bazaar for feta cheese, so fresh the goat had not yet burped, and ate lunch daily off a cart in the streets outside Doshan Tappeh Air Base where I worked.

Some might say that I had "gone native" and I will accept that criticism because I was able to leave Iran on February 1, 1979 with the clothes on my back thanks to an Iranian citizen who risked his life to help me get out. Thank you Armen.

What is the combined experience log for the Nincompoop and the Moron? A handful of visits to palaces and such? And just who are they listening to and taking advice from on this side of the pond? Leftist academia educated in liberal colleges, whose most exhilarating and challenging life experience was changing a tire on their Volvo? Or perhaps just the two dozen or so close friends of the Moron, from the Muslim Brotherhood, working in sensitive positions of our government?

Who they are NOT listening to, in their idealistic egotism, is the folks who live in the neighborhood; i.e. the Israelis and the Saudis.

The "treaty" currently being proposed with Iran is the machinations of an ego centric Nincompoop who is being stroked by a Moron. The current economic sanctions are causing Iran significant internal pressure and as every housewife of the 1950's knows if you let pressure build long enough, the cooker will inevitably explode; which would be a good thing for all concerned. That is providing the Moron does not continue to fund the Muslim Brotherhood at quite the pace he has been doing thus far.

So, why would either the Nincompoop or the Moron even consider such an absolute piece of flotsam? Simply because at the moment the Legacy of the Moron will be the abysmal failure of the Affordable Care Act and all the misery it is raining down on the American people. If the Nincompoop can sculpt a "treaty" that eases the tensions between Iran and the United States, then the Legacy of the Moron will be "Peace in Our Time" and when, not if, nuclear war breaks out in the Middle East and possibly on our own shores, the Moron can claim that it did not happen on his watch.

U.S. treaty ratification requires a two thirds majority approval by the Senate and given the overpopulation of the "Go-Along-And-Get-Along" RINOs in the Senate this is a frightening proposition.

The unmitigated debacle known as "The Affordable Act," aka: Obama-Care, has revealed for all to see that "The Emperor Has No Clothes," or translated into more plebeian terms: The Moron has no common sense, and his sole objective is to destroy this nation and all that she stands for.

The conservatives in Congress and across this nation must make it crystal clear to all the Democrats and RINOs in Congress and the Senate that backing anything proposed by the Moron in the White House will result in their permanent unemployment.

The now infamous "Wikileaks" organization has recently released a 95 page, 30,000 word document spelling out details of the Trans Pacific Partnership Treaty, which will basically negate our Constitution and the total sovereignty of our nation.

The Obama Regime is at war with America. The DSIC has aligned himself with the Muslim Brotherhood and others who have taken oaths to destroy this nation.

Our mission, as concerned citizens of this once great nation, is to educate every citizen, and would be citizen, as to the dangers of this regime and to commit ourselves to opposing this regime at each and every attempt that they make to accomplish even the seemingly most insignificant objective.

The slide into the annals of ancient history for this beloved symbol of freedom and opportunity began long before the current regime was vaulted into almost unlimited power. The requisite limitations have been fully in place for the past 225 years since the Constitution of The United States was ratified.
To stop what may be an inevitable extinction of the American Dream and the American way of life requires no more than We The People to be much more diligent in who we select to represent us, and a determination to monitor and insure that those we elect live up to their oath to "...preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States

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Re: John Kerry & Barack Obama - a nincompoop following a moron
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2013, 02:38:51 pm »
This is actually a working troika....they left out Chuckie Hagel.....


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Re: John Kerry & Barack Obama - a nincompoop following a moron
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2013, 02:40:20 pm »
This is actually a working troika....they left out Chuckie Hagel.....

The entire black caucus seems to qualify as well.