I have a black friend who was visiting Detroit and was waiting for a stoplight at about 11 PM. Suddenly a cop was behind him with flashers going. The cop came to the guy's window and said, you're not from Detroit, are you? Of course my friend said no sir. The cop then said I could tell since no one from Detroit actually waits at a stop light, its too dangerous. Just a charming story about the place.
I know the article wasn't about that but the story is correct in that black on black crime doesn't creative any incentive to buy a paper, or put another way, sell advertising. Its as common the sun rising in the morning. But somehow people of the ilk of Al Sharptongue and J$ss$ J$cks$n expect me to feel guilt that it is something I could prevent, or should, because I'm white. That crap doesn't work with me. Buy the way, did you know J$ss$ J$cks$n once had the tires on his SUV ripped off while giving a speech in Detroit?