Author Topic: NBC’s Chuck Todd: I Was ‘Surprised’ I Had to Wring Apology Out of Obama  (Read 734 times)

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NBC’s Chuck Todd: I Was ‘Surprised’ I Had to Wring Apology Out of Obama
by Josh Feldman | 9:45 pm, November 8th, 2013 video

NBC’s Chuck Todd joined Carol Platt Friday on The Hugh Hewitt show to discuss the big interview he did with President Obama that elicited an apology from the president for the rocky Obamacare rollout. Todd admitted he thought Obama was going to come right out and apologize, and was surprised he had to almost drag one out of him.

Todd said the White House believes they have a “confidence issue among the media elite” and amongst Democratic party leadership. He said Obama would really benefit by doing more town halls without pre-screening for supporters.

Platt asked Todd if he was surprised that Obama “didn’t just flat-out apologize” and gave instead a “lawyerly apology,” a very carefully worded one. Todd admitted it did take him by surprise, but not because of how it was phrased.


    “I thought it was going to happen right off the top. So I was surprised that it didn’t come until the second or, I think it was my second question, the first follow up. But you know, who knows how he thought about it, about how it should come out, how it should look? So, but I will admit that I thought it was going to come right off the top.”

He added, “It would have been shame on me if I didn’t ask for one.”

Listen to the audio below, via The Hugh Hewitt Show:
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