Author Topic: A Question for Mitch McConnell: Will Any Reporter Ask It?  (Read 1120 times)

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Offline Rapunzel

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A Question for Mitch McConnell: Will Any Reporter Ask It?
« on: November 09, 2013, 04:27:31 am »

A Question for Mitch McConnell: Will Any Reporter Ask It?

By: Erick Erickson (Diary)  |  November 8th, 2013 at 09:35 AM

Mitch McConnell and his merry band of lobbyists have a clever little line attacking the Senate Conservatives Fund. They claim the Senate Conservatives Fund (“SCF”) has gotten more Democrats elected than the Democratic National Committee.

It’s their favorite attack these days, now that attacking SCF for raising money has proved fruitless given that this particular attack is being made by dandified lobbyists and other hangers on.

But reporters, if they are not lazy, will need to ask a question.

The Senate Conservatives Fund has only helped nominate two Tea Party candidates who went on to lose the general election.

In Delaware, a week before the primary with Christine O’Donnell up double digits against Mike Castle, SCF endorsed her. She went on to lose the general.

In Colorado, SCF endorsed Ken Buck who barely lost to the Democrat in a year the Colorado GOP completely imploded, the NRSC diverted resources to help his opponent in the primary, and then the NRSC poured an overabundance of resources into trying to win California.

That’s it. Again, the Senate Conservatives Fund has only helped nominate two Tea Party candidates who went on to lose the general election.

On the other hand Mitch McConnell supported Rick Berg, Denny Rehberg, Carly Fiorina, Linda McMahon, George Allen, and Tommy Thompson. All lost to Democrats.

More so, had McConnell won the primaries where he fought the Senate Conservatives Fund, we would now have a Republican Conference composed of Senators Specter (assuming he was still alive), Crist, Dewhurst, Bennett, and Grayson.
So some enterprising reporter should ask Mitch McConnell this question: given that the Senate Conservatives Fund has a better record than Mitch McConnell of getting Republicans elected to the Senate, shouldn’t he be supporting Matt Bevin?
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: A Question for Mitch McConnell: Will Any Reporter Ask It?
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2013, 04:33:11 am »
7 hours ago

Heritage Action does a great work for the country. (How they vote.) This, of course, is
why it’s hated. When the chips were down, Mitch joined his apparent
cronies in voting for cloture. Invoking cloture opened the door for Harry Reid
to defund Obama”care” by getting a simple majority.

So, you see, my fellow Kentuckians, Mitch helped bring about the cancellation of
your insurance policies. I don’t know that much about Matt Bevin, but I do know
enough about Mitch McConnell to vote AGAINST him!

11 hours ago

"The tea party, (McConnell) says, consists of "people who are angry and upset at government—and I agree with them." But "I think, honestly, many of them have been misled. . . . They've been told the reason we can't get to better outcomes than we've gotten is not because the Democrats control the Senate and the White House but because Republicans have been insufficiently feisty. Well, that's just not true, and I think that the folks that I have difficulty with are the leaders of some of these groups who basically mislead them for profit. . . . They raise money . . . take their cut and spend it" on political action that hurts Republicans." M. Mcconnell

Well definitely insufficiently feisty. And, a tad overly pissy. Whatever Matt Bevin, his staff, the SCF and other conservative orgs are doing, keep it up. McConnell's becoming unhinged.

11 hours ago

"They raise money . . . take their cut"

Says the guy who went from being the 38th to the 11th richest Senator from 2007 to present. Personal wealth an estimated $42 million. And he's never -- since graduating from law school -- had a job outside government employ.

Senate Conservatives Fund endorsed the following candidates in the 2012 elections:

Deb Fischer (NE-Sen) 

George Allen (VA-Sen) 

Tom Smith (PA-Sen)

Dan Bongino (MD-Sen)

Richard Mourdock (IN-Sen)

Ted Cruz (TX-Sen)

Todd Akin (MO-Sen)

Josh Mandel (OH-Sen)

6 hours ago

If memory serves, they supported candidates like George Allen once it had become clear that they were the nominee in the general election. Their willingness to support Allen makes it clear that they hold with the "conservative in the primary and the Republican in the general" philosophy. It is also clear that the RNC and its counterparts in the Senate and the House are not team players and will turn against the nominee if he/she is not their choice.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: A Question for Mitch McConnell: Will Any Reporter Ask It?
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2013, 04:36:06 am »
 6 hours ago

Ten+ 2012 US Senate races backed and lost by the GOP establishment:

Florida, Jeb Bush backed Connie Mack lV who lost by 13 points.
Montana, Romney won by 13.7 points but GOP Estab. Senate candidate Denny Rehberg still lost.
Nevada, GOP candidate lost to a democrat under ethics investigation.
New Mexico, Heather Wilson lost an open seat to a Dem. by 5.7 points.
North Dakota, Romney won by 19.6 points, GOP estab. candidate Rick Berg still lost to a non-incumbent democrat.
Virginia, George Allen lost by 5.9 points.
Wisconsin, Establishment Tommy Thompson lost to a non-incumbent democrat by 5.5 points.
Maine, Indep. Angus King won by 22 points.
Ohio, incumbent democrat won by 6 points.

Massachusetts, incumbent GOP estab. Scott Brown lost by 7.5 points.

Karl Rove robo-calls at least kept Rove's name in the news.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 04:40:04 am by Rapunzel »
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: A Question for Mitch McConnell: Will Any Reporter Ask It?
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2013, 04:39:31 am »

SCF 2010 record:

Ken Buck (CO)$394,857Lost general election
Sharron Angle (NV)$263,747Lost general election
Joe Miller (AK)$254,389 (Lost when Lisa Murkowski decided to run as third party write in candidate)
Mike Lee (UT)$190,411Elected
Marco Rubio (FL)$163,529Elected

Christine O'Donnell (DE)$144,963Lost general election
Marlin Stutzman (IN)$121,808Lost primary
Pat Toomey (PA)$81,414Elected
Ron Johnson (WI)$75,235Elected

Dino Rossi (WA)$60,249Lost general election
Rand Paul (KY)$51,613Elected
Chuck DeVore (CA)$33,776Lost primary
Tom Coburn (OK)$13,136Re-elected
John Raese (WV)$12,293Lost general election
Michael Lawrence Williams (TX)$6,404Not a candidate this cycle
Ovide Lamontagne (NH)$1,077Lost primary
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: A Question for Mitch McConnell: Will Any Reporter Ask It?
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2013, 04:41:32 am »
Now look at the above and tell me - again - why the old guard GOP is so much better at electing Republicans than the conservatives?
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Re: A Question for Mitch McConnell: Will Any Reporter Ask It?
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2013, 05:25:44 am »
Now look at the above and tell me - again - why the old guard GOP is so much better at electing Republicans than the conservatives?
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

I don't have any interest in arguing the merits and efficacy of the SCF Tea Party or the nebulous entity some call the GOPe.  Arguing will not change the elections in NJ, VA, or AL. 
and there is your daggar - Wayne Larrivee
It's over except the shouting.