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Insurance Policies Not Worth Keeping By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NYT

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--- Quote from: aligncare on November 03, 2013, 08:47:39 am ---The editorial board of the New York Times is, well, substandard. Sorry, I misspoke. The editorial board of the New York Times thinks the government should tell us how much of our family budget should go to health care. Sorry, I misspoke. The editorial board of the New York Times thinks we're incapable of figuring our own family budget. Sorry, I misspoke. The editorial board of the New York Times favors centralized authoritarian rule. Sorry, I misspoke. The editorial board of the New York Times are fascists. There. I think I got it right, now.

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Boom!’  Loesch shreds NYT’s Obama ‘misspoke’ lie with simple question
Posted at 12:19 pm on November 3, 2013 by Twitchy Staff |

--- Quote ---    Can teleprompters misspeak?
     Loesch (@DLoesch) November 03, 2013
--- End quote ---

Yep, that’s a win right there. You see, the New York Times upped the hackery Sunday when its editorial board absurdly claimed that President Obama didn’t really lie when he said “you can keep your plan.” Guys, he totally just “misspoke!” Over and over. Period.

As Twitchy reported, the mockery was swift and sure. And “just bloggers” and citizens helped out the “real journalists” over at the paper of hack-tastic record with a brutal compilation video of all of President Liar Pants’ “misspeaking.“

Will the White House now pivot to the teleprompter excuse?


Loesch further slammed Obama and the New York Times as only she can:

--- Quote ---“Obama clearly misspoke,” fibs the NYT:… Wow, he “misspoke” incessantly, all over the country:—
 Loesch (@DLoesch) November 03, 2013
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--- Quote ---“Misspoke” is the new “Lying one’s head off.”—
 Loesch (@DLoesch) November 03, 2013
--- End quote ---

Bingo! “Lying one’s head off,” indeed. Is it any wonder his poll numbers are plummeting? Sane people (this excludes you, NYT editorial board) do not like big fat liars.

Democrats are testing the depth of stupidity of the American people.
"Obama didn't lie, the teleprompter did."
I'm not sure this is going to work. I'm not sure that saying that Obama is blindly reciting lies dictated to him by a screen is any better than him actually knowing what he is saying and knowing that he is lying. That would be proof that he really is nothing more than a puppet.

[[ Democrats are testing the depth of stupidity of the American people. ]]

There was a time -- say, sixty years ago -- when such a test would have failed miserably.

But today?
All bets are off.


--- Quote from: aligncare on November 03, 2013, 08:47:39 am ---The editorial board of the New York Times is, well, substandard. Sorry, I misspoke. The editorial board of the New York Times thinks the government should tell us how much of our family budget should go to health care. Sorry, I misspoke. The editorial board of the New York Times thinks we're incapable of figuring our own family budget. Sorry, I misspoke. The editorial board of the New York Times favors centralized authoritarian rule. Sorry, I misspoke. The editorial board of the New York Times are fascists. There. I think I got it right, now.

--- End quote ---

Yup, you got it right.


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