Author Topic: Democrat ObamaCare Hypocrisy  (Read 729 times)

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Democrat ObamaCare Hypocrisy
« on: November 01, 2013, 08:30:38 pm »
Senate Democrats Scramble For Cover From ObamaCare After Helping Obama Gut His “Keep Your Plan” Promise

In 2010, Senate Democrats Voted Unanimously To “Support The Obamacare Rule That Is Largely Responsible For Some Of The Health Insurance Cancellation Letters That Are Going Out.”  “Senate Democrats voted unanimously three years ago to support the Obamacare rule that is largely responsible for some of the health insurance cancellation letters that are going out.” (Chris Frates, “Senate Democrats Supported Rule That Led To Insurance Cancellations,” CNN, 10/31/13)

“On A Party Line Vote, Democrats Killed The Resolution, Which Could Come Back To Haunt Vulnerable Democrats Up For Re-Election This Year.”  (Chris Frates, “Senate Democrats Supported Rule That Led To Insurance Cancellations,” CNN, 10/31/13)


 The Obama Administration Strongly Opposed The Resolution (S.J.Res. 39) That Would Have Helped Americans Keep Their Existing Insurance Plans.  “The Administration strongly opposes Senate passage of S.J. Res. 39, which would undermine important protections offered to Americans and businesses under the Affordable Care Act. This resolution is an attempt to put insurance companies back in charge of Americans’ health care by allowing them to dramatically reduce benefits and increase costs while evading the new protections that the Affordable Care Act provides to consumers.” (Statement Of Administration Policy,  S.J. Res. 39 – Disapproval of the Rule Relating to Status as a Grandfathered Health Plan Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act  , 9/29/10)

and Affordable Care Act  , 9/29/10)
◾The Resolution Would Have Struck Down HHS’s Grandfathering Provision That Was Intended To Help Americans Keep Their Insurance Plans.  “The precipitating event was the federal regulation detailing the grandfathering provision of the law, which exempts existing health plans from certain requirements such as having to offer benefits without cost sharing. Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) introduced a resolution of disapproval calling for a do-over on the regulation, which many businesses say is too onerous.” (Julian Pecquet, “Grandfathering Vote Sparks Renewed Health Reform Debate,” The Hill’s  Health Watch  , 10/29/10)

The HHS Regulation “Narrowed” The Grandfathering Clause Provision By Excluding Policies That Had Changed Deductibles, Co-Pays, Or Benefits.  “None of this should come as a shock to the Obama administration. The law states that policies in effect as of March 23, 2010 will be ‘grandfathered,’ meaning consumers can keep those policies even though they don’t meet requirements of the new health care law. But the Department of Health and Human Services then wrote regulations that narrowed that provision, by saying that if any part of a policy was significantly changed since that date — the deductible, co-pay, or benefits, for example — the policy would not be grandfathered.” (Lisa Myers and Hannah Rappleye, “Obama Administration Knew Millions Could Not Keep Their Health Insurance,” NBC News  , 10/28/13)

Senate Democrats Toed The Party Line And Blocked The Resolution

Senate Democrats Voted Along Party Lines To Block The Republican-Sponsored Resolution.  “The Senate voted 59-40 Wednesday to reject a technical Republican motion that provided a chance for both parties to debate healthcare reform one last time before recessing ahead of midterm elections.” (Julian Pecquet, “Grandfathering Vote Sparks Renewed Health Reform Debate,” The Hill’s  Health Watch  , 10/29/10)


Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) Promised Americans “Will Be Able To Keep Their Current Plan”

Landrieu Voted To Block Consideration Of S.J. Res 39.  (S.J.Res 39, Roll Call Vote #244, Defeated 40-59: R 40-0; D 0-59, 9/29/10, Landrieu Voted Nay)

 In 2009, Landrieu Said On The Floor Of The Senate That “Those Individuals Who Like The Coverage They Already Have Will Be Able To Keep Their Current Plan.”  LANDRIEU: “Individuals and small businesses that do not have coverage would be able to select a private insurance plan from a range of options sold on a National Insurance Exchange. Lower and middle income people would receive subsidies to help them afford this insurance, while those individuals who like the coverage they already have will be able to keep their current plan. This is a very accurate description of this bill before us–the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.” (Sen. Mary Landrieu, Floor Remarks, 12/22/09)

Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR) Promised ObamaCare Would “Protect And Expand” Americans’ Insurance Plans

Pryor Voted To Block Consideration Of S.J. Res 39.  (S.J.Res 39, Roll Call Vote #244, Defeated 40-59: R 40-0; D 0-59, 9/29/10, Pryor Voted Nay)

 After Voting To Pass ObamaCare, Pryor Said It Would “Protect And Expand An Individual’s Choice Of Doctors And Insurance Plans Without Any Government Interference.”  “Elements of this package will drive down costs for families, small businesses, and government; protect and expand an individual’s choice of doctors and insurance plans without any government interference; and assure affordable, reliable healthcare for every Arkansan.” (Press Release, “On Senate Passage Of Health Care Reform,” Sen. Mark Pryor, 12/24/09)

Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK) Promised Alaskans They “Can Keep” Their Existing Insurance Plans Under ObamaCare

Begich Voted To Block Consideration Of S.J. Res 39.  (S.J.Res 39, Roll Call Vote #244, Defeated 40-59: R 40-0; D 0-59, 9/29/10, Begich Voted Nay)

 On July 27, 2009, A Health Care Reform Was Being Debated, Begich Promised Constituents That “If You’ve Got A Doctor Now, You’ve Got A Medical Professional That You Want, You Get To Keep That.”  BEGICH: “If you got a doctor now, you got a medical professional you want, you get to keep that. If you have an insurance program or a health care policy you want of ideas, make sure you keep it. That you can keep who you want. That we keep that patient-doctor relationship very strong.” (Sen. Mark Begich, Remarks At iTownHall, 7/27/09)

After Voting To Pass ObamaCare, Begich Claimed “Alaskans Who Have Health Insurance Now, And Are Happy With It, Can Keep It.”  “Alaskans who have health insurance now, and are happy with it, can keep it. While the thousands of Alaskans who do not have health insurance, or have insurance they can’t really afford, will have access to an insurance exchange offering affordable health insurance choices. An estimated 52,000 Alaskans will quality for tax credits to help purchase affordable health coverage.” (Press Release, “Sen. Begich Statement On Passage Of Health Reform Bill,” Sen. Mark Begich  , 12/24/09)

Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC) Promised To Support A Bill That Ensures “If You Like Your Insurance” You Could Keep It

Hagan Voted To Block Consideration Of S.J. Res 39.  (S.J.Res 39, Roll Call Vote #244, Defeated 40-59: R 40-0; D 0-59, 9/29/10, Hagan Voted Nay)

 In 2009, Hagan Said She Was “Focused On A Reform Bill That…Ensures That If You Like Your Insurance And Your Doctors, You Keep Them.”  HAGAN: “I have been focused on a reform bill that prevents insurance companies from turning patients away who have a preexisting condition, that expands coverage, and ensures that if you like your insurance and your doctors, you keep them.” (Sen. Kay Hagan, Floor Remarks, 11/5/09)

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) Assured Americans They Would Have The Freedom To Keep Their Existing Health Care Plan

Shaheen Voted To Block Consideration Of S.J. Res 39.  (S.J.Res 39, Roll Call Vote #244, Defeated 40-59: R 40-0; D 0-59, 9/29/10, Shaheen Voted Nay)

In 2009, Shaheen Assured Americans That “Everyone Will Have The Freedom To Keep Their Health Care Plan If They Like It.”  SHAHEEN: “One common myth we have heard is that health reform is a government takeover of our health care system. This is simply not true. The truth is, health care reform is being driven by consumers who are concerned about the cost of health care and about their coverage, and it is being driven by the market because health care costs are so high that too many businesses and too many people cannot get the health care they need when they need it. Under the current legislation, everyone will have the freedom to keep their health care plan if they like it.” (Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, Floor Remarks, 10/15/09)


Despite Voting In 2010 To Kick People Off Of Their Plans, Landrieu Now Says She Will Propose Legislation To Let Them Stay On.  “Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., said she will propose legislation to ensure Americans can keep their current insurance even if it may not comply with minimum standards under the Affordable Care Act. Landrieu’s comments Wednesday came after reports that insurance companies have sent out hundreds of thousands of letters telling people with individual policies — not obtained under a group, or through employers — that they must seek other insurance because theirs doesn’t comply with the health law’s mandated coverage.” (Bruce Alpert, “Sen. Mary Landrieu Says She’ll Offer A Bill To Allow Americans To Keep Existing Health Insurance,” Times-Picayune, 10/30/13)

“‘The Promise Was Made And It Should Be Kept,’ Landrieu Said Wednesday. ‘And It Was Our Understanding When We Voted For That, That People When They Have Insurance, Could Keep What They Had. So, I’m Going To Be Working On That Fix.’”  (Bruce Alpert, “Sen. Mary Landrieu Says She’ll Offer A Bill To Allow Americans To Keep Existing Health Insurance,” Times-Picayune, 10/30/13)

Pryor Has Said He Is “Reviewing” Landrieu’s Bill.  “Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), who faces a tough race next year, said he is in the midst of reviewing a draft.” (Alexander Bolton, “‘Agitated’ Dems Vent On Obamacare Woes,” The Hill, 10/31/13)

Shaheen “Expressed Shock” That People Are Losing Their Health Plans As A Result Of ObamaCare.  “Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire expressed shock that so many Americans are losing their current plans. ‘We knew that they would need to sign up again, but obviously I don’t think anybody thought people would be kicked off their health insurance plan,’” (John McCormack and Michael Warren, “Senate Democrats Struggle To Defend Health Insurance Promises,” The Weekly Standard  , 10/29/13)