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Bombshell: There were US Commandos On The Ground In Libya The Night Of Benghazi & They Weren’t Allowed to Help

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Bombshell: There were US Commandos On The Ground In Libya The Night Of Benghazi & They Weren’t Allowed to Help

Help was right there in Libya during the Benghazi attack and neither Hillary nor Obama bothered to send in the calvary.

--- Quote ---…sources directly familiar with the attack tell The Washington Times that a unit of eight special operators — mostly Delta Force and Green Beret members — were in Tripoli the night of the attack, on a counterterrorism mission that involved capturing weapons and wanted terrorists from the streets and helping train Libyan forces.

When word of the Benghazi attack surfaced, two members of that military unit volunteered to be dispatched along with five private security contractors on a hastily arranged flight from Tripoli to rescue Americans in danger, the sources said, speaking only on the condition of anonymity because the special operations forces’ existence inside Libya was secret.”
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If we had a competent Commander-In-Chief or a competent Secretary of State, our embassy in Libya wouldn’t have been left wide open to attack to begin with. Despite that mistake, our men still could have been saved with just a word from Obama or Hillary. Unfortunately, the people who were ultimately in charge of those men’s safety, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, didn’t care enough to try to save their lives.

Sadly, there are good men dead as a result of their carelessness and indifference.

I used to have a link to the story that a heli crashed on the way to help. Only saw it once nothing ever mentioned about it again. Any one here remember that? I will see if I can find the article again and post here.

I don't believe this for a minute.   This is a slow motion coverup to protect Hillary Clinton.

Furthermore.....who in the hell should believe ANYTHING 60 Minutes produces and runs?  If it's critical about their hero....there's something else going on.


--- Quote from: DCPatriot on November 01, 2013, 07:32:56 pm ---I don't believe this for a minute.   This is a slow motion coverup to protect Hillary Clinton.

Furthermore.....who in the hell should believe ANYTHING 60 Minutes produces and runs?  If it's critical about their hero....there's something else going on.
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Entirely possible.   :shrug:



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