Author Topic: America’s real president wears a skirt  (Read 777 times)

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Offline xfreeper

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America’s real president wears a skirt
« on: October 31, 2013, 05:19:24 pm »
America’s real president wears a skirt

Barack Obama is not the Emperor Without Clothes; he’s a president in a skirt.

Nor is Obama, in effect the real President of the U.S.  Without even a single vote cast her way, Valerie Jarrett is.

From a well-hidden lair somewhere in the White House, Senior Advisor to the President Valerie Jarrett builds the figurative bombs that Obama later throws at America.

Tied to a Teleprompter and instructed what to say, Obama only ventures out to speak mainly to captive audiences of high school and university students, easily impressed from having been spoon-fed the indoctrination of anti-American Marxism in their classrooms.  Only those who cheer him on in canned applause for later media sound bites are allowed wherever Obama speaks.

Many repeatedly ask why it is that Valerie Jarrett gets to travel, like a modern day Cleopatra,  with her own contingent of secret service agents in tow, and why she is the only known person with 24-7 access to the Obama private living quarters in the White House.

The answer is obvious: payback.

More at LINK:

I'm guessing Barry has some ladies underwear tuck away also