Author Topic: Stewart: Say, is Obama in any loops at all?  (Read 683 times)

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Stewart: Say, is Obama in any loops at all?
« on: October 29, 2013, 09:08:59 pm »
John Stewart does another bit on Obama, this time on how he's always "out of the loop" whenever something goes wrong. This is unlike how on top of it he is when something goes well like the elimination of Osama bin Laden. For that one he was in the room.

Stewart's importance lies in the fact he reaches an audience that otherwise would never hear of this, or, if hearing it, would dismiss it as right wing propaganda.

Does he mean President Ida Know? Jon Stewart skewered Barack Obama personally last night for the White House’s threadbare refrain that the President has no knowledge of what happens in his own administration.  Stewart picks up on the obvious question about the surveillance of other world leaders, which is that we’re expected to believe that Obama never once asked, “Say, where did you get that intel?”   That led to a funny exchange with Jessica Williams, in which she reported that Obama’s staff doesn’t tell him anything because he’s a crier … and worse than John Boehner:

video of piece at link:
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