Author Topic: Harry Reid: GOP responsible for debt racked up by Obama  (Read 822 times)

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Offline Rapunzel

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Harry Reid: GOP responsible for debt racked up by Obama
« on: October 27, 2013, 03:59:09 am »

Harry Reid: GOP responsible for debt racked up by Obama

Republicans only control half of one branch of government, yet according to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat whose "my way or the highway" stand on Obamacare funding and refusal to consider a single GOP proposal brought about the current partial government shutdown, those same Republicans are responsible for the trillions of dollars of debt Barack Obama has incurred, PJ Media reported Monday.

“No one denies that this nation has work to do to reduce its debt. But Republicans who say this country should default on its debt today are the same Republicans who ran up that debt a few short years ago,” Reid said Sunday on the floor of the Senate.

“These Republicans charged more than $4 trillion in tax breaks for the rich on the American taxpayers’ credit card. They paid for two wars, to the tune of $2 trillion, with borrowed money. And they rang up a $400 billion tab for a Medicare prescription drug plan,” he added. “These Republican spendthrifts ran up the nation’s credit card for years. Yet every single Senate Republican refused yesterday to even talk about paying the bill now that it’s due. This is the height of irresponsibility.”

“Americans want Congress to compromise. Americans want Congress to give the economy certainty and security, not more indecision and doubt. Americans want Congress to do its job. Americans want Congress to reopen the government, take the threat of default off the table and sit down to talk about a long-term budget deal that creates jobs and strengthens the middle class,” he said.

Reid's plan would have pushed the debt limit to Dec. 14, 2014 -- well beyond the 2014 mid-term election, effectively taking the issue off the table.

The plan did not include any spending reform, something that did not sit well with Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

"What he proposes is to raise the debt limit by $1 trillion but not do anything about the debt,” he said. “Not a single reform to get spending under control. We’ve got a debt close to $17 trillion."

“Washington is borrowing nearly $2 billion — a day. And he’s fine with that,” McConnell added.

Worse yet, according to Reid, it's all Republicans' fault -- even though they haven't had the power to do anything about it. Never forget that Reid has yet to put forward a budget in over four years.

In 2011, The Hill noted, "President Obama insisted the debt limit be pushed until after the 2012 election so that he would not have to deal with it again before Election Day.

"Now," Alexander Bolton wrote, "it is Senate Democrats who don’t want to face double jeopardy before voters decide whether they get to keep their majority."
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline happyg

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Re: Harry Reid: GOP responsible for debt racked up by Obama
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2013, 04:07:16 am »
I absolute detest that man. People like him, meaning Pelosi, Obama, etal, can lie easier than they can tell the truth.

Offline massadvj

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Re: Harry Reid: GOP responsible for debt racked up by Obama
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2013, 04:11:11 am »
None of the members who came in during the Tea Party gains of 2010 were even in the congress during the Bush years, so how can he blame them for the deficits and war spending under GWB?