Author Topic: Fellow Billionaires Move To Take-Down The Tea Party  (Read 1249 times)

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Offline happyg

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Fellow Billionaires Move To Take-Down The Tea Party
« on: October 26, 2013, 03:33:12 pm »
(Tea Party Miami) Apple Computer Corporation CEO Tim Cook and the Dolphins football franchise owner Stephen Ross are colluding to disrupt the operations of Miami TEA Party activists, and disable the website and e-mailing capabilities of South Florida’s largest TEA Party group - after the non-profit organization released a report criticizing a proposed taxpayer-funded “billionaires bailout” scheme to subsidize costly and unneeded renovations to the Miami Dolphins Sun-Life Stadium for Ross and his team.

Soon after TEA Party Miami distributed a news report to the media that detailed the efforts of the Miami Dolphins owner to elect state legislators who will support spending $200 million in public money to upgrade their football stadium, Apple Computer CEO Tim Cook filed a complaint with the internet hosting provider of the TEA Party group, to try to take-down the website - and take-down TEA Party Miami.

Why would the chief executive officer of Apple Computer, who lives in California, care so much about a South Florida TEA party group?  Are Stephen Ross and Tim Cook Billionaire Buddies?  It sure looks that way. Apparently, Tim Cook is a lecturer at the University of Michigan business school that Stephen Ross founded with a donation of $200 million.  A donation of such a large amount raises the obvious question - If Stephen Ross can afford to give away $200 million to have a business school named after him, can’t he pay his own way and finance his own football stadium himself?  TEA Party Miami exposed the football stadium scheme to the public only to have Stephen Ross and his high society friends use their enormous resources to squash The TEA Party movement, limit free speech and censor criticism of the tax grab by Ross.

Doesn’t the Chief Operating Officer of Apple Computer have more important issues to concentrate on than to try to disrupt the operations of a South Florida TEA Party organization? Especially during such a shaky launch of the new iPhone, which was hacked within 24 hours of being released and which many Americans are fearful of using due to Apples willingness to turn over sensitive client data to the NSA, FBI or other Government agencies who might ask for it.  The client data that Apple will now give to the Government will include the fingerprints of all new iPhone users.  Senator Al Franken recently wrote to the Apple CEO to question the security of the fingerprint password protection and reported vulnerabilities.  To date, Apple has not responded to the Senators request for information.

TEA party supporters across America are called upon to refrain from future Apple product purchases until Apple CEO Tim Cook publicly apologizes to TEA Party members for his hostile actions to cripple the communications network of the TEA Party movement in Florida.

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Re: Fellow Billionaires Move To Take-Down The Tea Party
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2013, 03:35:33 pm »
Here's the press release's text:

 Soon after Florida state lawmakers said NO to billionaire Steve Ross’s request for almost $200 million in taxpayer funding for a new Miami Dolphins football stadium, the New York city real estate mogul threatened to "take-down" certain state senators and legislators who he believes prevented him from getting his hands on the money.

 Steve Ross formed and funded the “Florida Jobs First” SuperPAC with the intended purpose of defeating the re-election of the most vocal opponents of a Bill he sponsored, and then lobbied state representatives to pass - to have Florida residents and vacationers pay for upgrades for his Sun-Life stadium.

 Ross failed in his quest to gain taxpayer funding for his football stadium mainly due to the outcries and objections by Bill Weatherford, Carlos Trujillio, Michael Bileca, Jose Felix Diaz and a few other state lawmakers who oposed the “billionaire welfare.” The Steve Ross funded political action committee then began a public relations campaign to slander and discredit those representatives that he felt were responsible for his defeat.

 The first attack-mail campaign by the Florida Jobs First SuperPAC began in June and was intended to "take-down" Weatherford, Trujillio, Bileca and Diaz, but a new round of slanderous TV ads and propaganda mailings are now being distributed to residents in Pasco County, in anticipation of the October 15th primary elections, and in order to convince voters to vote for the candidate that supports Steve Ross, and his ever evolving campaign for taxpayer subsidies for his football franchise.

 Miami-Dade hotel concierge Michael Delmont stated, “Why should Miami residents subsidize a billionaire? If he wants to build a brand new stadium for his sports team then he should pay for it himself.”

Miami Tea Party activist Susan Sanchez stated what most Miami residents must feel, “why is a rich guy from New York using a Miami politial action committee to buy an election in Orlando? He thinks he can buy enough Legislatures to get his hands on our tax dollars. He's perverting democracy through his political action committee. It’s anti-American, bad for business and it’s just plain bad for Florida residents and visitors.”

 TEA Party Miami

Read more here:
« Last Edit: October 26, 2013, 03:36:59 pm by happyg »

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Fellow Billionaires Move To Take-Down The Tea Party
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2013, 09:11:05 pm »
The war has begun.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline sinkspur

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Re: Fellow Billionaires Move To Take-Down The Tea Party
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2013, 09:41:53 pm »
The war has begun.

If you're counting on Apple to be affected by a miniscule tea party boycott, don't hold your breath.

Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Fellow Billionaires Move To Take-Down The Tea Party
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2013, 09:49:10 pm »
If you're counting on Apple to be affected by a miniscule tea party boycott, don't hold your breath.

That was not what I said... did I mention Apple anywhere in my comment?
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline sinkspur

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Re: Fellow Billionaires Move To Take-Down The Tea Party
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2013, 10:22:11 pm »
That was not what I said... did I mention Apple anywhere in my comment?

I don't see any "war." 

In many cases, if these football owners don't get what they want, they move the team.   All Ross has to do is threaten to move to LA, and he'll get the improvements he wants.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.