Author Topic: Rush: Obamacare is an evil wrecking ball so big not even Miley Cyrus would ride it  (Read 627 times)

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Evil Wrecking Ball So Big Not Even Miley Cyrus Would Ride It'

Noel Sheppard's picture
For your Friday afternoon entertainment pleasure, I give you a comment conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh made a few hours ago.

"The full weight of the evil of Obamacare is going to end up being a wrecking ball so big, not even Miley Cyrus would ride it" (Daily Rushbo video follows with partial transcript and commentary):

RUSH LIMBAUGH: Let me ask you a quick question here, folks. Can you imagine -- and I'm serious here, now -- can you imagine what the news would be like today if all of those 2,500 businesses and unions and others had not received Obamacare waivers? Can you imagine what it would be like? I mean, we are just getting the tiniest glimpse of the horrors of this. I mean, if you think Kathleen Sebelius is a jerk today, just wait, 'cause these waivers, they're gonna expire. I'm gonna tell you what's coming. The full weight, the full weight of the evil of Obamacare is going to end up being a wrecking ball so big, not even Miley Cyrus would ride it.

For those not getting the joke, Cyrus in the music video of her new hit song "Wrecking Ball" actually rides a wrecking ball.

Gotta love it.

For those interested, full transcript of Limbaugh's comments are available here.

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