Author Topic: Breaking: czar promises site will work right by … end of November  (Read 845 times)

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Breaking: czar promises site will work right by … end of November
posted at 12:34 pm on October 25, 2013 by Ed Morrissey

Well, what’s an extra month among friends, anyway?  Just days after Barack Obama appointed his new top economics adviser Jeff Zients to head up the so-called “tech surge” to fix, Zients promised that Americans will be able to behold the power of a fully operational ObamaCare by … er … the end of November.

WH saying will be fully operational by the end of NOVEMBER, reports @JimAvilaABC

    — Rick Klein (@rickklein) October 25, 2013

Obamacare website to be fixed by 'end of November,' says Jeffrey Zients, official tasked with fixing site – @DomenicoNBC

    — Breaking Politics (@breakingpol) October 25, 2013

It’s a good thing that Obama brought in an expert from the web-portal field to make that determination, right? Er, not exactly.  Zients comes from the private sector all right, but in venture capital. His most prominent position before now was with Bain Capital — the same company that Obama demonized during the 2012 campaign, and the same company run by Mitt Romney.

Something tells me that the deadline for beholding the power of the fully operational ObamaCare’s going to look something like this:

But maybe this is a better Star Wars reference:

If this can’t get fixed by the end of November, the White House will have to beg Congress for the delay they insisted was the fantasy of anarchists just three weeks ago. They will find themselves in a trap of their own making.

�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Rapunzel

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This is interesting...

Testing was performed in September, but it failed. Even if they fix the signups, insurers have indicated that there is an even bigger problem with data transmission on the backend… but people are not hitting that yet because of the front-end problems. An even bigger issue will occur if people start hitting the backend data issues because they will think they have insurance until they try to make a claim against it and they discover that they actually DON’T have insurance!

and this

I am listening to Rush right now about health care, and how the Congress is getting their “subsidy,” and they don’t get it why everyone is mad, because it was paid for in their compensation before, and they are getting the same deal from their employer.

Here is the difference: When your employer decides not to pay for your healthcare, and you go on the Obamacare exchange, if you make more than $40K you might not be getting a subsidy, and the government is going to charge each employer a tax/penalty for each employee…but it is going to go to someone who QUALIFIES for a subsidy, not to you the employee. But Barach Obama, he is arranging for these special subsidies for Congress, so their employer can subsidize them.

The Congress rightly feels like any employee would, why shouldn’t I get the same deal as I had before Obamacare? And the answer is, because YOU have RUINED it for other people who won’t get that same deal.

Healthcare.gove will NOT be ready by the end of November – this year or next. If you want to know why, check this out: It only scratches the surface, but this website, in its current incarnation, will never, ever, ever work (at least in any kind of reasonable time frame, i.e., several years). I would stake my life on the proposition that there are going to be some seriously disappointed libs on Dec 1 – and fireworks beyond conception.

As of this morning, the home page of Obamacare still cannot pass a basic HTML validity test published by W3C (the international consortium in charge of Web Standards).

And “fully operational” MUST mean that the site is not only reasonable to operate by a user with no more than an 8th grade education, but is also SAFE TO USE: If every prospective user is put in imminent danger of identity theft, the site is NOT FULLY OPERATIONAL: The Obamacare site MUST at least meet PCI standards – like every other e-commerce site must!!!

There is absolutely NO CHANCE that this web site will be anywhere close to “fully operational” anytime during 2013 or 2014: even with infinite budget and unlimited access to technical help.

I speak from nearly 5 decades’ technical and management experience in the industry.

First rule of marketing: Don’t make promises you can’t keep..

The “savior” Zients, will have no excuse when the O’care disaster continues to fail. He was foolish enough to take the “fixit” job in the first place; guaranteed he doesn’t know the extent of the problem. Zients is either a cockeyed optimist or a fool. To make that kind of promise without at least a very in depth interview with government workers who, btw, cannot be held accountable or fired, shows he doesn’t know what he’s walking into, either. He may have come from Bain Capital a successful operation, but to walk into this operation? Well, not all Bain employees are smart.

Will government heads role? I don’t think so.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776