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CAPITOL UPDATE: W.H. Staff Pushing Back Against Jarrett Over Sebelius Resignation?

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CAPITOL UPDATE: W.H. Staff Pushing Back Against Jarrett Over Sebelius Resignation?

by Ulsterman on October 22, 2013

Hmmmm…a rather interesting little tidbit from R.I.  Are there actually White House Staff willing to take on the de facto President of the United States?

(Note the dominant one in this photo is not the man sitting…)


Heard this morning of a heated discussion/yelling match between Pete Rouse and Valerie Jarrett over the increasingly possible and impending Sebelius resignation.  Jarrett wants her to stay put, but Rouse, who I know is cozy with quite a few legislators here on the Hill, is apparently demanding Sebelius go sooner not later.  As in last week.

The two apparently did a back and forth thing throughout the afternoon yesterday that had everyone else at the White House walking on eggshells, and various versions of the conflict making its way back here.  Some versions called it a disagreement, while one version had them literally screaming at each other for about ten minutes inside of Rouse’s office.  If true, I was told that would be very out of character for Pete Rouse.  He is supposed to be a very low key out of the picture kind of guy who does most of his talking through internal memos.

At any rate, I personally know of at least ten House Democrats and three Senate Democrats already willing to be a part of some kind of delay of Obamacare for at least six months.  There are a lot more than that who want Sebelius gone as a way of protecting both the president and the party.  They need a face to hang all of this chaos on.

So far it seems Jarrett has held them back.  Will be interesting if Rouse can use his connections with Congress to bypass her.

Start popping the corn.  This could get interesting!

Jarrett says she stays...she stays


--- Quote from: xfreeper on October 22, 2013, 11:06:57 pm ---Jarrett says she stays...she stays

--- End quote ---

Yep. Bob Beckel on the Five criticized OCare on the show and got a phone call from the WH absolutely bludgeoning him for saying what he said.


--- Quote from: Rapunzel on October 22, 2013, 11:10:08 pm ---Yep. Bob Beckel on the Five criticized OCare on the show and got a phone call from the WH absolutely bludgeoning him for saying what he said.

--- End quote ---

Is that not a concern? I know nothing about Bob Beckel. He could be a lap dog or an attack dog, I really have no idea. But someone on a news review program getting a call form the WH to yank him back on message?

That is scary.


--- Quote from: EC on October 22, 2013, 11:15:43 pm ---Is that not a concern? I know nothing about Bob Beckel. He could be a lap dog or an attack dog, I really have no idea. But someone on a news review program getting a call form the WH to yank him back on message?

That is scary.

--- End quote ---

Beckel is a liberal ... an unabashed, life-long liberal. His dad marched in the Civil Rights marches of the 50's/60's (BTW Beckel has a brother who is a conservative ~LOL~) Beckel is a recovering alcoholic and drug abuser and a converted Christian... but he is still very much a liberal.  I have long thought he "could" be the WH Insider as the language is soooooooo Beckel.......  anyway, Beckel used to be a political operative - Charles Krauthammer wrote for Mondale - Beckel ran his campaign...  sometimes Beckel plays dumb about some of the discussion on The Five, but sometimes he actually says something really honest.. guess the WH doesn't like honest.

BTW I am certain Jon Steward received a call after his monologue last night... why do you think the media doesn't come out and skewer this WH?  Glenn Beck made a joke about it on his old Fox show, he kept a red phone on his desk and would pick it up and challenge the WH to call him if he was telling something untrue... of course the didn't call him.


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