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Democrat flubs history lesson.
« on: October 20, 2013, 10:56:24 am »

Democrat Flubs History Lesson

By Onan Coca   / 18 October 2013   / 76 Comments   

Charlie Rangel is one of those special kinds of politicians, like Marion Barry or Bob Menendez, who can flout the law in any manner he chooses, and his constituents will still continue to elect him to public office.

He has been under investigation for most of the 2000s and has never been mistaken for someone with a sweet demeanor.

Now we are learning about why Congressman Rangel may have a predilection for breaking the law. He has no idea about the history of our nation. Charlie Rangel’s education must have seriously been lacking, because in a recent CNN interview, he attempted to completely rewrite history.

“This isn’t a question of the House and senate differing. This not even the question of Republicans and Democrats differing. This is all about a handful of people who got elected as Republicans that want to bring down our government,” Rangel said. “You can see it in the streets. You can see where they’re coming from. And the same way they fought as confederates, they want to bring down the government and reform it.”

Um… hey, Charlie. Abraham Lincoln was one of the founders of the Republican Party and the first Republican elected President. The South seceded partly because he won the 1860 election. The Confederacy was dominated by the Democrat Party and had a smattering of Whigs as well. In fact, only one Republican served in the Confederate legislature. One.

Here’s a video of the pertinent part of Rangel’s disastrous alternative history lesson.

Let’s face facts. Charlie Rangel is a clown. He is an example of the worst of the Democrat Party (and that’s saying a lot). He is a rhetorical bomb thrower who cares more about himself and his comfort than he does his constituents or our country. The United States legislature will be better off when the man finally walks off into the sunset. Sadly, because his district is dominated by low information Democrats, the man will probably keep getting elected as long as he wants the job.

I guess the bright side is he won’t ever be a public school teacher.
