Author Topic: 300,000 Floridians just had their health insurance plans cancelled because of Obamacare  (Read 1215 times)

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Offline Rapunzel

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300,000 Floridians just had their health insurance plans cancelled because of Obamacare

It’s happening to millions of people all over the United States.  Health insurance companies, no longer allowed to offer certain kinds of plans due to new regulations in Obamacare, are sending out cancelation notices.

from NBC:

But the cancellation notices, which began arriving in August, have shocked many consumers in light of President Barack Obama’s promise that people could keep their plans if they liked them.

    “I don’t feel like I need to change, but I have to,” said Jeff Learned, a television editor in Los Angeles, who must find a new plan for his teenage daughter, who has a health condition that has required multiple surgeries.

    An estimated 14 million people purchase their own coverage because they don’t get it through their jobs. Calls to insurers in several states showed that many have sent notices.

    Florida Blue, for example, is terminating about 300,000 policies, about 80 percent of its individual policies in the state. Kaiser Permanente in California has sent notices to 160,000 people – about half of its individual business in the state. Insurer Highmark in Pittsburgh is dropping about 20 percent of its individual market customers, while Independence Blue Cross, the major insurer in Philadelphia, is dropping about 45 percent.

read the rest

When all is said and done, the bulk of that 14 million people who purchased their own health insurance may end up losing their plans that President Obama promised them repeatedly that they could keep. 

My wife and I have already lost our insurance plan that we were perfectly happy with.  Have you received a cancelation notice? Tell us about it in the comments.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Rapunzel

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7 hours ago

Yep, I have received a second increase notice and a notice that my deductible is going up yet again and that my plan will be terminated on 12/31/14. After that I'm moving to Mexico, Obama has ruined America and there will probably be no Mexicans left in Mexico by then, they will all be up here. I think all hard working, self sufficient Americans should move to Mexico and let the Liberals wash their ACA down with some Obama Kool-Aid. Five years later Mexico will be a productive country and America will die of the disease of self-centered Liberalism.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Rapunzel

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14 hours ago

My wife and I were paying about $300 for our health insurance. We just lost our coverage, and the cheapest alternative is going to be almost double that + a higher deductible.

7 hours ago

and everyone thought this was such a good idea, things were going to be cheaper, well sheeples hows this going to fit in your budget now, I laugh because you were warned.

7 hours ago

So, your a single man or woman over 60 and your insurance MUST provide coverage for pregnancy.that you will never use. Many things like this force the insurance companies to cancel existing policies and raise rates for all insurance. The law is a complete disaster. Any group of mid-school students could have done a better job of coming up with a plan. Between this administration and congress, they could not come up with a plan for fixing lunch for 10 people.

5 hours ago

I am 77% below the supposed federal poverty level although I work a full time job. I am not eligible for FREE anything and I can NOT afford this "Affordable" Care. I do not currently have hot water or heat. Can't afford that either. I guess I am supposed to do the 'new American' thing and give up my $30 a month phone/internet. Or my pay-as-u-go cellphone (saving another $10 / month avg).

Because I work full time, I am not eligible for subsidized health care. Read: I am required BY LAW to PAY money I don't have on something mandated by a bunch of overly wealthy "citizens" who were thinking kind thoughts while they screwed me over.

Oh, and I can't take that $1.00 per hour promotion now, because my company had to suit the ACA and make that position part time. So I would actually have 16 hours cut and make less even with the raise and promotion. Where the hell did America go? I want her back.



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• 7 hours ago

Got our letter this week. Anthem BCBS discontinue our plan in May. We can renew now and keep it until dec 1st 2014, for additional $30/mo. On top of the $60/mo increase we had over the summer. After next December we will have to choose another plan or go to the exchange. Also, BCBS has "consolidated" it's network to "control costs", and it appears our doctor of 15 years is no longer on their network.

In addition, I refilled my thyroid med has been on the generic $4 list for years. No more! Pharmacist said due to Obamacare, prices were increased 300%, so now I have to take he name brand and go thru insurance for a cost of $11.67 a month.

6 hours ago

Over on my site I've got a post with the names of the 19 Senators and 143 Congressman who didn't cave- Poor Richard is welcome to grab it,, I won't spam his site with a link..

If your Senators or Congress Critter is on that list, send 'em an email telling then what happened to you and thanking them for trying

If they aren't on the list, send them an email telling them what happened to you, and what you think of them as a result.. It doesn't matter if your DC Rats is red or blue, tell them they screwed you.. be firm, and somewhat polite and don't threaten,,

Wouldn't hurt to tell them you're leaving the party- if you happen to in the one they represent.. And if you're on their fund raising email list, tell em what you think of spammers

Not much right now, but when the CR comes up again, blast em with emails.. Maybe some good protests can be organized between now and then

2 hours ago

As the Spouse of a retired IBMer, He is on Medicare and they moved his supplemental into an exchange, I on the other hand lost what I had which was pricey but good. $900 per month. Now I know it will go up for Jan.2014 but the letter is due in November I will have exactly 2-3 weeks to research what they tell me I have to take, before both my husband and I sign up for what is still unknown. I cannot even imagine paying more than I am right now. I thought it would start the prices would start to drop from the high amount it has reached. I did not vote for Obama ist or 2nd time. Knew this was going to be the problem. Cannot believe THE MAJORITY has inflicted this much pain onto ME. If you voted OBAMA I have shut you off as a friend and family. I consider you and your choices something I don't want to deal with anymore.

3 hours ago

this by design. aca was created to make private insurance unaffordable. in a couple of years, obama will blame "greedy insurance companies" for the crisis and tell us that he has an even better plan...

5 hours ago

My highmark plan is being cancelled at the end of 2014 and my daughters plan is being cancelled at the end of 2013. My current plan has a $1200 deductible but most new plans have a deductible from $5000. to 10,000. at double the premium

�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776