Wednesday night John Boehner posted this message on his Facebook page. The response was immense
The comments on the post were quite varied.
Many commenters were very sad.
And many commenters took their anger out on the speaker.
Some asked about Boehner’s balls.
Some accused Boehner of being Obama’s “bitch.”
Some called Boehner a bleep.
Some wanted to switch parties.
Some were more profane than others.
Many called Boehner a RINO.
“Republican In Name Only.”
Some commenters demanded Boehner’s resignation.
Some used less-than-politically correct vernacular.
Some were sure American is now a “communist nation.”
Some called for congressional beatings.
Some commenters were less clear with their concerns.
And the internet just trolled the way the internet trolls.
But some were supportive of the speaker.
And some spoke for an exhausted American people.
And John Boehner says: