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Online mystery-ak

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Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« on: October 18, 2013, 08:22:20 pm »

( - In a statement delivered from the White House this morning, President Barack Obama said that now that Congress has enacted a continuing resolution to fund the government--that includes funding to implement Obamacare--he would like to negotiate with the House with the aim of enacting the immigration bill passed by the Senate earlier this year.

The key provision in that Senate bill would allow illegal aliens currently in the United States to become legal residents here and get on a "path to citizenship."

Critics of the "path to citizenship" call it an "amnesty" because it lets foreign nationals breaking U.S. law--including U.S. immigration law--not only stay in the country but eventually become U.S. citizens.

On June 27, the Senate voted 68-32 to approve the 1,198-page-long immigration bill.

“We should finish the job of fixing our broken immigration system," Obama said.

"In fact," Obama said, "the Senate has already passed a bill with strong bipartisan support that would make the biggest commitment to border security in our history, would modernize our legal immigration system, make sure everyone plays by the same rules, make sure that folks who came here illegally have to pay a fine, pay back taxes, meet their responsibilities."

"That bill has already passed the Senate," said Obama. “It’s sitting there waiting for the House to pass it.

"Now, if the House has ideas on how to improve the Senate bill, let’s hear them," the president said. "Let’s start the negotiations. But let’s not leave this problem to keep festering for another year, or two years, or three years. This can and should get done by the end of this year.”

The bill that the Senate passed not only created a path to citizenship for illegal aliens, but included language specifically stipulating that illegal aliens could not be denied conversion to legal resident status and put on the citizenship path even if they had committed certain crimes on multiple occasions.

“An alien convicted of 3 or more offenses for driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated on separate dates is inadmissible,” says the Senate bill. This means that an alien who has been convicted of 2 DUIs is admissible. It also means an alien who gets 2 DUIs on one day--and then gets a third on another day--is still admissible because he did not get 3 or more DUIs “on separate dates.”

Language on page 777 of the bill appears—on its face—to legitimize counterfeiting and selling up to 2 U.S. passports. That language says:

“MULTIPLE PASSPORTS.—Subject to subsection (b), any person who, during any period of 3 years or less, knowingly—(1) and without lawful authority produces, issues, or transfers 3 or more passports; (2) forges, counterfeits, alters, or falsely makes 3 or more passports; (3) secures, possesses, uses, receives, buys, sells, or distributes 3 or more passports, knowing the passports to be forged, counterfeited, altered, falsely made, stolen, procured by fraud, or produced or issued without lawful authority; or (4) completes, mails, prepares, presents, signs, or submits 3 or more applications for a United States passport, knowing the applications to contain any materially false statement or representation, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or  both.”
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Offline Cincinnatus

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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2013, 08:25:23 pm »
Interesting addition, Mystery.

Have the Republicans folded yet?
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Offline collins

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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2013, 08:48:45 pm »
Yay, more Democratic voters!!! What this country needs is more unskilled ignorant immigrants with criminal records.

Pass amnesty, go ahead. Why the GOP leadership would ever think of supporting that is beyond me, but passing amnesty is suicide. If they're THAT retarded . . .


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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2013, 08:51:52 pm »
I admittedly see both sides of the argument when it comes to this, and I recognize how much of a threat lots of new poor voters are to the conservatives. If enough people got citizenship and managed to turn Texas blue, it'd be over for Republicans.

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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2013, 08:57:10 pm »
Oh yes, Texas - that's the Holy Grail for you people.

What you can't see is how it's going to hurt you, and it will hurt you when your taxes go through the roof and you're on the hook for a 5K+ health insurance policy when you're 28 years old.

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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2013, 08:59:17 pm »
I admittedly see both sides of the argument when it comes to this, and I recognize how much of a threat lots of new poor voters are to the conservatives. If enough people got citizenship and managed to turn Texas blue, it'd be over for Republicans.

And it would further weaken the middle class.
You liberals are going to get things your way. And I guess you can go on blaming Republicans forever. It works well for Obama. Heck, it's STILL Bush's fault as a "go to" for any problem. Just today, MSNBC was blaming Republicans for the failures in the roll out of Obamacare.

Once you disconnect from reality, the rest is easy.

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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2013, 09:00:32 pm »
Oh yes, Texas - that's the Holy Grail for you people.

What you can't see is how it's going to hurt you, and it will hurt you when your taxes go through the roof and you're on the hook for a 5K+ health insurance policy when you're 28 years old.

Nope, they're too busy emoting to figure out what it's going to mean to their wallet, and to their lifestyle. 'Eff every gosh darn one of them.

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2013, 09:05:34 pm »
I can tell you they come here for all the freebies they get from our system. If you are at all familiar with Mexico you know there is two classes there.  The wealthy and educated and the poor and uneducated.  They are encouraging their poor and uneducated to come here.   The thing that kept this country strong was we had a strong middle class. It is steadily being destroyed and when it is gone we will be no better than Mexico - and that includes the violence that comes with it.  I have no problems with immigration.. but it should be from a wide variety of locations, not one country or one demographic and just as they insist in Canada and Australia that their immigrants have an education and the financial stability to sustain their-selves we should be doing the same thing here.  Yes., Immigrate here.  But have a job and have the money for your own food, housing, healthcare, cars, etc.  Contribute to our society instead of take from it.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline raml

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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2013, 09:08:46 pm »
No liberal_spy anyone with 2 brain cells will see that it will be over for this country. Our once great country has been going downhill for the past 40 years but in the last 7 or 8 years it has gone downhill so bad it really may never come back even to just a mediocre country. The world is happy they hated us even as we helped people in other countries survive disasters and helped them with their wars. The conservatives and Christians in this country have been proven to be the most generous in the world they always opened up their pocketbooks to people in need. Now they are the people in need and can't nor can they trust anyone in government anymore. This is nothing to be proud of or gloat over. You liberal_spy will have to live with what is left of this once proud country too. it won't be the utopia of your dreams it will be hell on earth. Socialism and communism has proven to be hell it has never worked and won't work here. What is happening is we will all be in poverty while the elites live it up on the tax money that is enough to have made slaves of us and read history not a good thing revolution then takes place and no one wins there will just be death.


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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2013, 09:30:00 pm »
Oh yes, Texas - that's the Holy Grail for you people.

What you can't see is how it's going to hurt you, and it will hurt you when your taxes go through the roof and you're on the hook for a 5K+ health insurance policy when you're 28 years old.

Has not hit them, Collins, and when it does we will all have to endure the endless moaning about "Oh lawd, it's so baaaad.  What we gonna do?" 

And the neverending liberal victim status continues:  "I'm so helpless, please help me outta this.  I don't understand.  Oh, noes.  I'm so upset.  Y'all get me outta dis here."

Very predictable.  Happens every day.  Kudos for your post.

Online Fishrrman

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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2013, 03:22:42 am »
raml writes:
[[ Our once great country has been going downhill for the past 40 years but in the last 7 or 8 years it has gone downhill so bad it really may never come back even to just a mediocre country. ]]

I can't remember to whom it should be attributed, but this brings to mind the saying that while it can take centuries to build a civilization, the entire construct can be wiped out within the span of a generation or two.

The past 40 years has proven this.

It's almost like Western Civilization (in general) and our nation (in particular) resemble the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
At one moment, they were standing, though damaged.
Then suddenly, they collapsed, straight down, out of existence, right before our eyes.

Right now, as a nation we're still standing.
But could things suddenly accelerate downward, faster than anyone could have anticipated?


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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2013, 03:41:17 am »
Right now, as a nation we're still standing.
But could things suddenly accelerate downward, faster than anyone could have anticipated?


You bet they could and no body on this God's earth is paying the slightest bit of attention to it.  Too busy duke-ing it out underground about subjects that are none of the federal government's business. 

In the meantime, your representatives are working like mating rabbits to get amnesty passed.

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2013, 03:43:13 am »
If the GOP passes it the party will be finished - totally and completely finished.  Soros has always wanted to own this country lock, stock and barrel and he is very close to getting his wish.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2013, 03:49:29 am »
If the GOP passes it the party will be finished - totally and completely finished.  Soros has always wanted to own this country lock, stock and barrel and he is very close to getting his wish.

Haven't you noticed?  It's already finished.  Brush up on your espanol, hindi, pashtu, whatever.

Offline massadvj

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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2013, 03:54:42 am »
What we are seeing here is OPapaDoc's one/two punch to destroy the Republican Party through the tried-and-true method of divide and conquer, then proceed with his agenda after 2014.


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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2013, 03:58:51 am »
What we are seeing here is pure denial of reality.  Amnesty will pass.
Welcome to realville; where the real people live.  Out of the classroom.

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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2013, 06:11:26 am »
I admittedly see both sides of the argument when it comes to this, and I recognize how much of a threat lots of new poor voters are to the conservatives. If enough people got citizenship and managed to turn Texas blue, it'd be over for Republicans.

See, this is what we call a tell.  At least be honest about who you are, and why you're posting.

What good do you see if the Democrats get many new voters, and have the presidency along with both sides of congress, with a super-majority in the Senate?

How does that help out the average citizen, who has seen their income plummet under Obama?
Trump has created a cult and looks more and more like Hitler every day.

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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #17 on: October 19, 2013, 06:13:43 am »
If the GOP passes it the party will be finished - totally and completely finished.  Soros has always wanted to own this country lock, stock and barrel and he is very close to getting his wish.

Yep, and not only is the GOP finished, but so is this country as we know it.  The Marxists will have won, and the idiots who can't produce, yet vote for them, will be the first forgotten about by their leaders.
Trump has created a cult and looks more and more like Hitler every day.

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #18 on: October 19, 2013, 06:18:27 am »
Yep, and not only is the GOP finished, but so is this country as we know it.  The Marxists will have won, and the idiots who can't produce, yet vote for them, will be the first forgotten about by their leaders.

Remember when McCain "pretended" to back off on this when he was running for president?  Yet... his "Hispanic outreach" guy in the wings was the most dispicable of them all - Juan Hernandez... I have very strong and legitimate reasons for not being able to stand my state senator (s)......

McCain Staff Dodges Questioning On Juan Hernandez In Conference Call
By Digger / March 29, 2008 01:07 PM    Bookmark and Share

The McCain staff questioned in a conference call about the involvement of Juan Hernandez as an adviser, dodged the question by stating that Juan Hernandez supports McCain's position on illegal immigration. While this should come as no shock, at least the campaign staff is clear that they'll continue using advisers who are loyal to the Mexican government when it comes to illegal immigration.

If you're not sure who Juan Hernandez is, watch this important video Who Is Juan Hernandez?

For most this is nothing new, since McCain was co-author of the past few amnesty attempts in the Senate with Ted Kennedy. It is just important to remember the people that John McCain is using for his advisers - especially his Hispanic Outreach Director. Because the message sent to the "Hispanic community" is that it is OK to be illegal in this country and it is expected as a "Hispanic" that you put Mexico first.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Carling

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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2013, 07:01:44 am »
Remember when McCain "pretended" to back off on this when he was running for president?  Yet... his "Hispanic outreach" guy in the wings was the most dispicable of them all - Juan Hernandez... I have very strong and legitimate reasons for not being able to stand my state senator (s)......

McCain Staff Dodges Questioning On Juan Hernandez In Conference Call
By Digger / March 29, 2008 01:07 PM    Bookmark and Share

The McCain staff questioned in a conference call about the involvement of Juan Hernandez as an adviser, dodged the question by stating that Juan Hernandez supports McCain's position on illegal immigration. While this should come as no shock, at least the campaign staff is clear that they'll continue using advisers who are loyal to the Mexican government when it comes to illegal immigration.

If you're not sure who Juan Hernandez is, watch this important video Who Is Juan Hernandez?

For most this is nothing new, since McCain was co-author of the past few amnesty attempts in the Senate with Ted Kennedy. It is just important to remember the people that John McCain is using for his advisers - especially his Hispanic Outreach Director. Because the message sent to the "Hispanic community" is that it is OK to be illegal in this country and it is expected as a "Hispanic" that you put Mexico first.

Rap, I hope you know I agree with you more often than otherwise.  The amnesty thing is a loser for not only the GOP, but the country, and I think only one poster on this board (who is a n00b) is even trying to sell it.  If there are others, well, this is the thread in which to debate it.
Trump has created a cult and looks more and more like Hitler every day.

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2013, 07:20:04 am »
Rap, I hope you know I agree with you more often than otherwise.  The amnesty thing is a loser for not only the GOP, but the country, and I think only one poster on this board (who is a n00b) is even trying to sell it.  If there are others, well, this is the thread in which to debate it.

I don't have any problems with you.  Even when you do disagree with me, we talk it out. Heck my husband didn't agree with me ALL the time ~LOL~
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: Obama to House: Now Let's Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2013, 10:17:45 am »
If the GOP passes it the party will be finished - totally and completely finished.  Soros has always wanted to own this country lock, stock and barrel and he is very close to getting his wish.
I thought if the GOP didn't stop Obamacare it was finished.  We get another chance?  Yea!

This is absolutely the best time for the GOP to pass an amnesty and show the voters that rational adults are back in charge.  I bet Boehner has the 218 votes.  Mostly rat votes right now but if he does have 218 now he will have over 300 by the time it passes.   The far right spent its summer and power on a fool's errand and got less than nothing for it.  They should not be trusted with power again until the electorate has a chance to weed out some of the more dangerous ones.

oh cr* I allowed to say "far right?"  I hope I didn't offend any members.
I saw this coming on August 22, 2013,110934.msg445444.html#msg445444
Sounds like the rat leadership likes the idea of the GOP shutting down the Government for some reason.

The GOP leadership is scared to death of the idea.

When Boehner is unable to pass a CR with a majority of GOP votes he will have to decide if he wants to break the Hastert rule.  If Boehner doesn't  break the rule every one will know who to blame because shutting down the government is all the conservatives have talked about all summer. Everybody knows the GOP wants to shutdown the Government.  Don't be shocked if Obama demands stiff concessions to avoid his VETO.  He's got all the cover he needs to say it's the GOP's fault Grandma didn't get her SS check.

If Boehner does break the Hastert rule then the rats will switch tactics to pass immigration reform with mostly rat votes.

It's a win/win for the rats.

So all summer long the far right announced their brilliant plan shutdown the government to stop Obamacare.  What dunderhead announces his battle plan to his enemies unless he can't be stopped?  A freshmen.  All summer long the pro-amnesty forces have been picking away at moderate congressmen

Here is what I wrote August 11, 2013,109838.msg441768.html#msg441768
Right now pro-illegal groups are marshaling forces for what they are calling an "immigration summer."
They are picking a target and going to town halls and open house, and any event where the target is hosting.
They are identifying and bringing local veterans, business leaders, immigrant families, and religious leaders.
They are having marches and rallies where they are registering voters and promising huge Latino turnout and that an immigration bill will decide their votes.
They are delivering signed petitions to the offices of GOP representatives.  They are commissioning polls that show huge support for amnesty.
And when they get a public show of approval they are following up with calls and contacts from local businesses, churches, laborers, and police officers offering assistance.

Last week they got Reichert, Schock, and Webster and they are emboldened.

It's coming kids.  That's John McCain taping you on the shoulder and when you turn your head to see him he's going to whisper in your ear “You didn’t come here to hunt, did you?”