Author Topic: Obamacare levies fines on non-profit hospitals that offer free healthcare to the poor  (Read 2324 times)

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Offline Rapunzel

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Obamacare levies fines on non-profit hospitals that offer free healthcare to the poor

It’s one of the lesser-known provisions in the so-called “Affordable” Care Act, but it’s having a major impact on charitable hospitals.  Obamacare actually fines hospitals that provide free health services to the poor.

from Daily Caller:

    Charitable hospitals that treat uninsured Americans will be subjected to new levels of scrutiny of their nonprofit status and could face sizable new fines under Obamacare.

A new provision in Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code, which takes effect under Obamacare, sets new standards of review and installs new financial penalties for tax-exempt charitable hospitals, which devote a minimum amount of their expenses to treat uninsured poor people. Approximately 60 percent of American hospitals are currently nonprofit.

    Charity for the uninsured is one of the factors that could discourage enrollment in Obamacare, which requires all Americans to purchase health insurance or else face new taxes themselves from the IRS.

    “It requires tax-exempt hospitals to do a community needs survey and file additional paperwork with the IRS every three years. This is to prove that the charitable hospital is still needed in their geographical area — ‘needed’ as defined by Obamacare and overseen by IRS bureaucrats,” said John Kartch, spokesman for Americans for Tax Reform.

    “Failure to comply, or to prove this continuing need, could result in the loss of the hospital’s tax-exempt status. The hospital would then become a for-profit venture, paying income tax — hence the positive revenue score” for the federal government, Kartch said. “Obamacare advocates turned over every rock to find as much tax money as possible.”

    Additionally, the rise in the number of insured Americans under Obamacare will make it more difficult for tax-exempt hospitals to continue meeting required thresholds for treating the uninsured, driving more hospitals into the for-profit category and yielding more taxable money for the federal government.

    “The requirements generally apply to any section 501(c)(3) organization that operates at least one hospital facility,” according to a “Technical Explanation” report of new Obamacare provisions prepared by the congressional Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) on March 21, 2010, the day Obamacare passed.

    Obamacare’s new requirements could slam hospitals with massive $50,000 fines if they fail to meet bureaucrats’ standards.
[url]read the rest[/url]

It’s ironic isn’t it?  The left’s chief complaint about the American healthcare system is that it’s “for profit,” but Obamacare will end up forcing non-profit hospitals to either go under or become for-profit institutions themselves.

From day 1, Obamacare has not been about improving healthcare or making it more affordable. It’s been about government control.  Sadly, the American people are only now beginning to find out the truth about how devastatingly unaffordable the Affordable Care Act really is.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Rapunzel

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From day 1, Obamacare has not been about improving healthcare or making it more affordable. It’s been about government control.  Sadly, the American people are only now beginning to find out the truth about how devastatingly unaffordable the Affordable Care Act really is.

No they are not, unfortunately... I watched Megyn Kelly and Hannity tonight..  I am so sick of people who do nothing but smile a sickening grin and spew Democrat talking points that are nothing but lies.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Emma Grace
• 9 hours ago

How sad to see my daughter's hospital in this picture. Yes, it is true, we never received a bill from St. Jude. We do have our own personal family insurance (we are responsible that way~ we budget and afford those things that are important and not the luxuries like smartphones), so our insurance was billed but the remaining balance on the bill, our yearly high deductible and co-pays, along with pharmaceutical needs were never passed on to us. This allowed me to stay at home to be Emma's caregiver. Those families that are being treated at St. Jude that do not have insurance are treated in the same caring and professional way, in fact when accepted on protocol to the hospital the insurance part is never considered. We are a family of 4, middle income, I am afraid to open up anything that comes from our insurance company and seeing the increase to our premium. We had our insurance before our daughter was diagnosed with cancer, so we were not concerned with pre-dx issue. What we are concerned with now is being able to afford our premium, can I continue to be a stay at home caregiver to our daughter. How will this affect our hospital and their ability to treat all patients. So many unanswered questions????


 Emma Grace Emma Grace
• 4 hours ago

Thanks for the kind words David!!!! In regards to the thumbs down unknown person: I am all for debate and discussions, I find it healthy and informative. It would be interesting to know why the unknown person gave my comment an unlike. What exactly did you not like? 1. That we pay for our own personal health insurance and have for years?? 2. That we live on a budget and don't splurge on things that we don't fine necessary?? 3. That St. Jude is run on donations and can cover some of my daughters medical bills??? 4. That I am a stay at home mother and caretaker and we are a single income middle class family that has never used any form of assistance, other than student loans for our two older kids that attended college but of course are paying those back with interest??? 5. That I am afraid to open my mail from our insurance company??? ...on a side note the reason I am afraid is because we got a notice at the beginning of Sept. clearly stating that due to the ACA our premium was going up. We had until the first of October to select to remain on the current policy with an increase of $143per month or change the policy. We were forced to up our high deductible from $7500 to $10,000 and we still received a monthly increase of $38 per month. NOW our daughter, Emma just finished treatment (YAY her) so if anything happens to her outside of cancer or of course us, that 10,000 deductible is out of our pocket. How will we cover the added doing responsible things like cutting back. Which of course affects the economy. Now if our premiums go up again, we will have to find things to cut..but trust me there really isn't much left to cut. I would really like to know exactly what I said that you disliked or offended you? hiding behind a "thumbs down" and not expressing yourself in the open is cowardly.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 08:17:38 am by Rapunzel »
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Rapunzel

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Another post on that thread - there is some hope - not all are like our Liberal Spy - some young kids actually want to learn......


• 7 hours ago

Mr. Richards, in all honesty I am just a kid---a decent young man who's years ahead of his generation (and this one) in terms of maturity and discipline, but, nonetheless, still a kid---who has only recently started to pay more closer attention to and respect for events such as these that are going on around me. There's so much information out there and too many sides to read from. If it isn't too much trouble, could you point me in the right direction as to where I'd start?

    Poor Richard Mod RBC
    • 5 hours ago

    Wow, RBC. Thanks for reading. Obviously, I hope you stick around here because we're striving to fight the good fight as best we can.

    Other places I would encourage you to read...definitely anybody in the "Blogroll" in the lefthand column above. Hotair, Ace of Spades, Michelle Malkin, and Gateway Pundit are all excellent. Honestly, all of those folks in the blogroll are fantastic.

    In addition, you've GOT to read some of Mark Levin's books. Liberty and Tyranny and his new one The Liberty Amendments. Levin knows the Constitution inside and out, and I would highly recommend listening to his show.

    Rush Limbaugh knows the left like the back of his hand. Michael Berry is the most entertaining person on radio. Glenn Beck covers stories nobody else covers.

    Some required reading:

    "The Federalist Papers" - It's dense reading, but it's from the pens of the people that wrote and signed our Constitution

    "Excuse Me While I Save The World" - Andrew Breitbart

    "Rules for Radicals" - This is the left's PLAYBOOK. It's scary stuff, but you'll see exactly why the left does what it does after you read this.

    "Atlas Shrugged" - It's fiction, but it's a perfect allegory for everything happening today.

    "Anthem" - Another by the same author as "Atlas Shrugged." It's way shorter and easier to read.

    "Speaking My Mind" - the speeches of Ronald Reagan

    "Arguing with Idiots" - Glenn Beck

    Really, I'm glad your committed. Always feel free to write us if you have any questions.

    Fight the good fight!

Rev. Joel Poor Richard
• 5 hours ago

RBC..I concur with Poor Richard. Much is made over the "interpretation" of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Federalist Papers will give you incite into what the founding fathers were thinking of when they penned these precious documents. Study hard and you will rise to the top.

many, many other good posts on the thread.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Online mountaineer

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It’s one of the lesser-known provisions in the so-called “Affordable” Care Act
Here's another: the 2.3% tax on medical devices is applied to things like fishing gear and tires, not just knee braces.
Support Israel's emergency medical service.

Offline happyg

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The government is going to get everyone, one way or the other. There's no escaping government reach. That is why we need people like Cruz, Lee, and Rand, to name a few. Without people like them, we are lost as a country.

Offline Relic

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Another post on that thread - there is some hope - not all are like our Liberal Spy - some young kids actually want to learn......


many, many other good posts on the thread.

I've noticed that online posters tend to be more aware. It seems anyone who cares enough to read a story and post to a comments section regarding the story, is by definition, aware. Those posts tend to run anti-Obamacare, unless it's on a Democrat partisan site like DU, or Kos.

The real problem is, this story isn't going to be covered by the MSM. And, the majority of voting Americans will never hear of this story. If the MSM doesn't report it, it didn't happen.

Offline GourmetDan

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Obamacare levies fines on non-profit hospitals that offer free healthcare to the poor

It’s one of the lesser-known provisions in the so-called “Affordable” Care Act, but it’s having a major impact on charitable hospitals.  Obamacare actually fines hospitals that provide free health services to the poor.

Well of course.

How else would you do it?

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

"The sole purpose of the Republican Party is to serve as an ineffective alternative to the Democrat Party." - GourmetDan

Offline GourmetDan

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... some young kids actually want to learn......

I explained the Federal Reserve to my son the other day.

Imagine that I print GourmetDan-dollars and the government passes a law that everybody has to use GourmetDan-dollars and the only place to get them is... GourmetDan.

He thought that was pretty scary...    :silly:

« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 03:16:34 pm by GourmetDan »
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

"The sole purpose of the Republican Party is to serve as an ineffective alternative to the Democrat Party." - GourmetDan