Author Topic: Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers tells Bill de Blasio to be proud of supporting Marxist terrorists  (Read 798 times)

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Weatherman Terrorist Bill Ayers tells Bill de Blasio to be Proud of Supporting Marxist Terrorists

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On October 17, 2013 @ 10:15 pm In The Point | 2 Comments

Maybe if Bill de Blasio becomes the mayor of New York City, he can throw a Terrorist Pride Parade and make Bill Ayers into its Grand Marshall.

In an interview with New York Magazine, Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers comments favorably on Democratic Party mayoral nominee Bill de Blasio’s history of support for the Marxist FSLN terrorists who attacked a synagogue and burned Indians alive in a church.

Bill de Blasio, the big favorite here, comes out of a young leftist tradition — including his involvement with the Sandinistas — and now he’s facing charges of being a communist sympathizer, a socialist, all of those right-wing buzzwords. How do you think he should handle the criticism?

What’s interesting is that his father was also blacklisted and that really altered the course of his life. A guy who lost a leg in WWII and became an alcoholic — that’s the nature of blacklisting. The thing about Bill de Blasio is that he should be very proud of the fact that he supported the Sandinistas when he was a young man because being progressive about the role of Latin American independence and self-determination, 30 years ago, was prescient and correct. He shouldn’t run from it, he should embrace it.

We watched John Kerry, when he ran for president, try to run from the one moment he told the truth about Vietnam, and that didn’t serve him very well.

What should NYC voters make of De Blasio’s time in Nicaragua?

They should say that he stood up for humanity. He stood up for human rights against the blind imperial monster. That was the right thing to do then and it’s the right thing to do now.

The blind imperial monster of course is the United States; whose enemy Bill Ayers and Bill de Blasio are. Here’s some of what Bill de Blasio and his voters can be proud of.

The Sandinista army committed myriad atrocities against the Indian population, killing and imprisoning approximately 15,000 innocent people.

According to the Nicaraguan Commission of Jurists, the Sandinistas carried out over 8,000 political executions within three years of the revolution. The number of “anti-revolutionary” Nicaraguans who had “disappeared” in Sanadinista hands or had died “trying to escape” were numbered in the thousands. By 1983, the number of political prisoners in the Sandinistas’ ruthless tyranny were estimated at 20,000. Torture was institutionalized.

Numerous human rights organizations, including Amnesty International and the United Nations Human Rights Commission, have documented the atrocious record of Sandinista human rights abuses, which stood as the worst in Latin America.

Political prisoners in Sandinista prisons, such as in Las Tejas, were consistently beaten, deprived of sleep and tortured with electric shocks. They were routinely denied food and water and kept in dark cubicles that had a surface of less than one square meter, known as chiquitas (little ones). These cubicles were too small to sit up in, were completely dark and had no sanitation and almost no ventilation.

If you’re proud of that record, as Bill de Blasio is, then you have no soul.



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