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More black mob violence denial in Albany
« on: October 15, 2013, 10:03:08 am »
More Black Mob Violence Denial in Albany

October 15, 2013 By Colin Flaherty 1 Comment

I wish the liberals would make up their minds.

Here is what they ALWAYS say about  the black mob violence documented in the book White Girl Bleed a Lot:


1) It is not happening.

2) Here is why it is happening.

Salon did it. Then CNN. Then MSNBC. The former head of a state-wide NAACP did it on my radio show. Now comes Casey Seiler, a reporter at the Albany Times-Union. Seiler does not approve of a recent FrontPage story about black mob violence in Schenectady. He says “the riot has no color.”

Mr. Seiler accuses me of forgetting what is causing all this black mob violence.

You remember, the violence that does not exist.

Seiler insists White Girl Bleed a Lot ignores the “tangled sociological reasons for those statistics, such as the economic and cultural aftereffects of hundreds of years of white racism.”

It’s nice catching liberals in unguarded moments. In between name calling, that is.

What touched off Seiler’s ire was a recent episode in a Schenectady movie theater, documented in The local paper picks up what happened to a father and his two daughters. The group of black people


ran up and down the aisle yelling and banging a plastic garbage can near the entrance to the theater.

As the credits rolled at the end of the movie, one of the young men accosted the victim from behind, punching him in the head, District Attorney William Sanderson said. A second male did the same thing, he said.

After the second punch, the man stood and blocked the third punch before the whole group attacked him, the prosecutor said.

They knocked the man to the ground, repeatedly punched and kicked him and dragged him on his knees, Sanderson said.

When one of the victim’s 15-year-old twin daughters tried to help her father, she also was hit. One of the assailants ran off with her cellphone.

It’s unclear how long the assault lasted, but no one inside the theater tried to help the victim.

All of the 8 alleged assailants were black.

Seiler says I could not possibly know that because two of the people arrested are juveniles and the court records are sealed.

I know that from the same people who told me about the incident in the first place: People who belong to Schenectady area law enforcement agencies. They texted me. The same people who said a hell of a lot more than 8 black people were involved in that beating.

There were witnesses to this assault — and other episodes of racial violence in Schenectady. They write about it in Schenectady web sites. They wrote me emails. I also talked to them.

It’s called reporting. The same skills that allowed me to show how a black man accused of trying to kill his white girl friend was unjustly convicted. His name was Kelvin Wiley. That story got out him out of prison and was featured on NPR, the Los Angeles Times, Court TV and about a gajillion other places.

And, by the way, Mr. Seiler, the father and two daughters who were beat in the movie theater are not OK. Thanks for not asking.

Mr. Seiler says I ignore white mob violence, and he produces an example of it from two years ago. He obviously missed my story on the (disappointingly tepid) white riot from a few weeks ago.It’s happened! An all-white riot.

In Mr. Seiler’s defense, let it be known: I drew first blood. One of my readers wrote him an email asking him why he did not cover racial violence, such as the example in Virginia where a black mob beat two reporters and their own paper buried the story for two weeks. I included his response in an article for

“A riot made up primarily of black people wouldn’t be a ‘race riot’ any more than a post-championship riot at Penn State made up primarily of white people would be a ‘race riot.’”

White Girl Bleed a Lot documents more than 500 examples of recent black mob violence. And Mr. Seiler wants to dismiss it with mythical accounts of Penn State football and two counter-examples of some unruly teenagers who were probably just  “just blowing off some steam.” That’s what a community activist told a Temple University medical journal about black mob violence in Philadelphia.

The issue is not whether black mob violence exists. But whether it exists exponentially out of proportion.

Let’s check it: I’ll see those two white riots from the last few  years, and raise you dozens of examples of black mob violence and black on white crime from over the last few months. Some fatal. Some on video.

In San Leandro, California in September, a black man punched the manager of a Safeway store in the face. He’s in critical condition. On video.

Mr. Seiler may not be aware of the Knockout Game. And how this version of black on white violence happens all over country. Sometimes in mobs. Sometimes not. Sometimes fatal. Sometimes not. A St. Louis judge recently said one man in that town alone is responsible for 300 such attacks. Some on video.

A  viewer at the ABC affiliate in San Francisco filled in nicely for Mr. Seiler. He said the beating was justified because the store manager was a racist:

“Maybe just maybe he didn’t take to kindly to being racially profiled and hmm hit the manager. If you have never been racially profiled you don’t know how you would react.”


Thanks for making that up.


If that reader ever wants to go into the newspaper racket, I predict a long and glorious future for him, as long as he does not mind being a predictable mouthpiece for liberal politicians in east coast state capitals.


In Denver, five black people were captured in September on video beating and kicking a man at a light rail station. Some locals are upset they did not hear about this episode of racial violence for three weeks. It happened about the same time as the San Leandro beat down.

Mr. Seiler is upset they heard about it all.

“The people in Denver and Schenectady did not hold signs, or issue a press release or shout racial epithets,” said Taleeb Starkes, author of the Amazon best selling book, Uncivil War. “So legally, this is not a hate crime. But to ignore the racial aspect of this violence is foolish. And dangerous.”

“By itself, this incident was not earth shaking. But when looked at with thousands of other similar episodes across the country, it is part of an tide of black mob violence that is exponentially out of proportion. Which people like Seiler cannot explain. Only ignore. Deny. Distort. Mock. Anything but tell the truth. All the while making sure they stay out of places where they may be subject to similar racial violence. That is called hypocrisy. And that is why hate crime numbers seriously understate the epic levels of black mob violence.”

Earlier this month, a Marine Corp veteran on a cross country run for charity was the victim of a the Knockout Game in Wilmington, Delaware. Or, as Fox News put it: The assailant “without provocation, allegedly punched O’Toole in the face.”

A few nights before at the same corner — the corner where your humble correspondent worked for one year during high school, across the street from a head shop owned by the mother of Bob Marley –  three people were shot while dozens of black people were waiting in line for the release of the new Air Jordan basketball shoes.

These events happened about a mile from where, two months before, 10 black people allegedly watched as two of their friends raped two women in a Wilmington park.

In St. Paul, Minnesota earlier this month, a car full of black people stopped a white woman to ask for directions. They were wearing wigs. They grabbed her, beat her, robbed her, pulled her down by her hair, removed her pants,  then pissed on her.

Then laughed.

Says KTSP TV news: “The woman reported she thought she was going to get raped. She heard one man say, “Mitch you took that white b****’s phone.”

Former prison psychologist Marlin Newburn says sadism is a common feature of black mob violence:

“Black predators commonly humiliate their victims, regardless of race, and it is a black criminal cultural trait as is getting revenge,” Newburn said.  “I’ve evaluated black murderers who made their victims beg prior to killing them. A lone survivor of one such trauma reported this in court. The killers were remorseless, and like all the others, the only regret they had was getting caught.”

“Sadism is also a demonstration of the absence of a conscience while gaining primitive sense of personal power. This is the lowest and most brutal form of anti-social personality disorder. There is great satisfaction for the psychopath in harming others, physically and/or emotionally, and it borders on an addiction, a pathological beast that must be fed,” Newburn said.

Or, as one person put it as he was participating in a black mob beat down in Philadelphia: “It’s not our fault you can’t fight.”

Were the father and his two daughters at fault, Mr. Seiler? For their racism? Or their inability to fight off large groups of black people?

Stay tuned.

Mr. Seiler is probably not aware that St. Paul and Minneapolis and Denver and Wilmington are the scenes of more than 100  examples of black mob violence over the last several years alone. Including earlier this summer in St. Paul, where  Ray Widstrand ran into a mob of 100 black people near his apartment in the black part of town.

He is recovering from a fractured skull and other injuries.

In Fresno earlier this month, 13 people were shot and one died during an after-party for the largest gathering of black bikers on the West Coast. The Washington Post even did a story on it, somehow forgetting to mention the racial nature of the gathering.

There were 5000 black bikers in town for this semi-annual event. Many of their activities on are video.

Outlets like the Washington Post and the Times-Union regularly publish stories about black caucuses, black colleges, black churches, black TV, black radio, black newspapers, black magazines, black professional groups and on and on and on. But when it comes to epidemic levels of black mob violence, Mr. Seiler comes down with a sudden case of being color-blind.

Or he says has no evidence that crime was “racially motivated.”

How about something closer to home for Mr. Seiler: Rochester also has a long history of frequent and intense bouts with racial violence. From downtown to the city’s Lilac Festival, black mob violence is now an accepted feature of life in that town.

For those who still live there, that is.

City Councilman Adam McFadden explained  black mob violence at a popular holiday gathering thusly: “”It’s just that you had a lot of people there who are not used to that culture and got to witness it personally.”

Some moved to the suburbs to escape it. That did not last long: In September, police from four agencies were called to neighboring Irondequoit to break up fights in and out side of a movie theater involving 400 to 500 black people from Rochester. Some of it on video.

The chief of police blamed the violence on a scary movie. No one was arrested.  When the fighting died down, police called the local bus company and everyone went back to Rochester. Local say this happens a lot.

In Buffalo, after a series on black mob attacks on students at a local university, the police chief said the college students were from rural areas and needed to get used to life in the big city. For Mr. Seiler’s benefit, let’s get the exact quote with a link: “The City of Buffalo is an urban environment, and if you come from a rural section of the state, this is a different setting,”

That happens a lot, blaming the victim. In Columbia, South Carolina, the police chief blamed a series of black mob beat downs on white kids who drink too much.

In between scribbling down these non-sensical quotes, not one reporter asked “Really?”


In Utica, black mob violence is an almost daily occurrence over the last six months. Mr. Seiler does not have to believe me. The Utica police department Tweets about it. As do the people involved.

I also get email from Seiler-town itself, Albany: “Don’t go to McDonalds on lower Central Avenue in Albany NY if your white,” said one of my readers. “You will be harassed and called racial slurs by the mostly black customers! I am serious; if you value your physical and mental wellbeing, don’t go inside!”

Mr. Seiler may deny black mob violence exists. But the people who create  it often brag about it. Make music videos of it. Tweet it. Create hip hop songs glorifying it.

My own favorite is “Start a Riot” by 2Chainz. Last I looked it had 11 million viewers on YouTube. Sorry, that was a month ago: Now it is up to 12 million.

And of course, let’s not overlook teenage hip hopper Chief Keef. The New York Times celebrated Chief Keef in a review. They said his songs about drugs, violence, murder, more drugs and more violence was keeping it real.

His video “I Don’t Like” has a combined 40 million views. But the lyrics are so insane that the New York Times could not even quote one or two lines. Check them out yourself. ▶ Kanye West – I Don’t Like ft. Pusha T, Chief Keef, Jadakiss & Big Sean (Explicit) – YouTube

Don’t forget about lots of black mob violence in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Long Island, Saratoga Springs and other places in New York too. No matter how much Mr. Seiler wishes we would.

In Syracuse, a black mob killed a man at a bus stop earlier this year. They kicked his eye out. After fleeing, they realized he was helpless. So they returned and beat him some more. Days later, a Syracuse father wrote me an email — published at WND — about how his son was a victim of black mob violence a few days later.

In North Carolina, Whiteville over the weekend, police used Tasers to break up a large fight. Cops say an increasing number of interactions with black people involve defiance and physical challenges.

Several of which are documented in White Girl Bleed a Lot. On video. Many in North Carolina. Every been to Raleigh, Durham, Winston-Salem, Wilmington, or Greensboro, Mr. Seiler?

If you ever go, let me know: I’ll be happy to supply you with some maps as to where you can conduct your own investigation.

This is a very, very long list, Mr. Seiler. Mobs big and small. Cities big and small. Ever hear about Beat Whitey Night at the Iowa State Fair? Three nights of black mob violence in and out of the fairgrounds. When reporters asked Lori Lavorato if black mobs were beating up white people, she told the truth.

Then got fired.

That’s why I wrote the book. For deniers like Mr. Seiler.

Post Script: As I prepared to ship this article off to FrontPage, readers from around the country alerted to me two more events over the weekend: Michigan Live reports a man “died at the hospital following his involvement in a large fight.”

Downtown Grand Rapids has been the scene this year of several cases of black mob violence — many when the bars close. As was the case here.

And in New Jersey, six black teenagers were arrested for “rampaging” through a commuter train from Newark to Hoboken. They sent four people to the hospital after beating and robbing them.

Stay tuned.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 10:03:57 am by rangerrebew »