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How do you feel about Edward Snowden and the NSA leaks?

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--- Quote from: AbaraXas on October 12, 2013, 09:58:24 pm ---I should probably correct the last post that when I say libertarian, I mean small 'l' libertarian as in the philosophy, not big "L" Libertarian as in the political party.

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Being a libertarian myself, I agree with your previous post.  Unfortunately, most left-wing libertarians are more concerned with legalizing marijuana than legalizing free enterprise.  Most are not particularly uncomfortable with economic regulation because it doesn't affect them much.  They fail to see that individual rights are not really possible without property rights.

And as for the second amendment? Fuhgeddaboudit.  Not at all important to them. 


--- Quote from: massadvj on October 12, 2013, 09:57:04 pm ---Uh-huh.  Funny they aren't "occupying" anything or taking part in any civil disobedience, which they certainly would be doing if a GOP president were pursuing the same policies.

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We are talking about liberals, their entire existence is apathy- waiting for the government to do something they should be doing themselves.

Kind of like my observation about the 'greenest' liberal city in the country, San Francisco, I've found to be one of the dirtiest cities in regards to trash on the streets and in alleys. All of those libs are waiting on the government to do something about it instead of just picking up the trash themselves.

They are probably waiting for the government to fix the government's problem through more government regulation.


--- Quote from: massadvj on October 12, 2013, 10:05:39 pm ---Being a libertarian myself, I agree with your previous post.  Unfortunately, most left-wing libertarians are more concerned with legalizing marijuana than legalizing free enterprise.  Most are not particularly uncomfortable with economic regulation because it doesn't affect them much.  They fail to see that individual rights are not really possible without property rights.

And as for the second amendment? Fuhgeddaboudit.  Not at all important to them.

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One reason I never can associate with the Libertarian Party is they are so hung up on the drug issue, they are shooting themselves in the foot. It seems to be the be-all, end-all issue to define them (no matter how much they claim it isn't). I used to love Reason Magazine but between their Ron Paul slobbering and constant Pot articles, it grew tiresome. I wish they would get back to promoting free-enterprise.


--- Quote from: AbaraXas on October 12, 2013, 10:11:41 pm ---One reason I never can associate with the Libertarian Party is they are so hung up on the drug issue, they are shooting themselves in the foot. It seems to be the be-all, end-all issue to define them (no matter how much they claim it isn't). I used to love Reason Magazine but between their Ron Paul slobbering and constant Pot articles, it grew tiresome. I wish they would get back to promoting free-enterprise.

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I still look at Reason, and of course I like the Cato Foundation a lot more than the Heritage Foundation.

Personally, I am not uncomfortable aligning myself with fundamentalist Christians, rednecks and other conservatives.  Freedom requires that citizens be hard-working, honest and responsible.  Conservatives tend to be the best citizens in any community. 

When I look at the left wingers, libertarian and otherwise, mostly I see clueless deadbeats.


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