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How do you feel about Edward Snowden and the NSA leaks?

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--- Quote from: Liberal_Spy on October 12, 2013, 09:47:58 pm ---Reddit (the place I get a lot of my news) is predominately left wing thinkers, and pretty much all of them were outraged at Obama and the US government as a whole over everything related to the NSA leaks. There is a good reason Obama's approval has dropped so much. Most of that dropping is among the left wing.

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I've found Reddit is more dominated with 'Libertarian Left' (no that isn't an oxymoron). If you poll them issue by issue (and I've played this game many times on there), on most financial issues they are Conservative, on liberty, security, and crime issues they are Libertarian, and social they are liberal or libertarian. They will associate with liberals or Democrats because they are 'supposed to' not because they agree with them issue by issue, but because of what pop-culture has defined politics to be. They want to be with the cool side.  They falsely believe the Right (especially the Tea Party or Conservatives) are 'racist, bigot, homophobe, sexist, authoritarian nannies' because that is what the meme is.  They can't accept that at it's core, Tea Party Conservatives are exactly the opposite of all of that. The problem is anyone who doesn't want a government solution to XX or YY issue as a group they are automatically labeled as opposing that group when in reality, they are opposing government interventionism.


--- Quote from: massadvj on October 12, 2013, 09:57:04 pm ---Uh-huh.  Funny they aren't "occupying" anything or taking part in any civil disobedience, which they certainly would be doing if a GOP president were pursuing the same policies.

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I've been screaming at the left wing for months to start doing stuff like this. I don't know why it isn't happening, but I wish it would.

I should probably correct the last post that when I say libertarian, I mean small 'l' libertarian as in the philosophy, not big "L" Libertarian as in the political party.


--- Quote from: Liberal_Spy on October 12, 2013, 09:57:58 pm ---I've been screaming at the left wing for months to start doing stuff like this. I don't know why it isn't happening, but I wish it would.

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My goodness, you are naive, aren't you?


--- Quote from: AbaraXas on October 12, 2013, 09:58:24 pm ---I should probably correct the last post that when I say libertarian, I mean small 'l' libertarian as in the philosophy, not big "L" Libertarian as in the political party.

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Ron Paul is kind of a poster boy for libertarians, and Reddit tore him apart on his AMA.


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