Author Topic: ObamaCare forces disabled mom to choose between health care and food  (Read 699 times)

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ObamaCare Forces Disabled Mom to Choose Between Health Care and Food

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On October 11, 2013 @ 7:58 pm In The Point | 4 Comments

ObamaCare. It’s what isn’t in your wallet.

An Allentown, Pennsylvania TV station reports that, because of Obamacare, one mother is forced to choose between a “new health plan or putting food on the table”:

“One mother tells us the choice for her has come down to selecting a new health plan or putting food on the table,” reporter Will Lewis says.

“A small group of people bound together by the need for health insurance, all say they are the people that the Affordable Care Act is not helping.”

“I feel it’s important for people to understand that the premiums aren’t affordable,” says Jennifer Most, a mother, who “told the crowd she went to the government website with all intentions of signing up … Jennifer and her husband are disabled, on a fixed income, and their five year old has a few medical problems as well,” the reporter explains.

The woman says, “My premium for health insurance was $947.63.”

“That is a over 765 dollars more than she currently pays,” says the reporter.

“It would take food out of our mouths to be able to afford these coverages,” the mother explains.

But Obama has a solution. ObamaFood. For only a thousand bucks a month, you get to eat whatever you like from a menu selected by Michelle Obama that limits you to only 200 calories a day.

Enrolling in ObamaFood is mandatory. Those who fail to enroll in ObamaFood will pay a fine/tax for being free riders.


Article printed from FrontPage Magazine:

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