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Rand Paul: Obama's Private, Public Words at Odds



Rand Paul: Obama's Private, Public Words at Odds
Tuesday, October 8, 2013 08:53 PM

By: Greg Richter

Republican Sen. Rand Paul says President Barack Obama tells him one thing in private, then slams Republicans in public.

"When I talk to the president one-on-one . . . I've said, why don't we gradually raise the age of eligibility for Social Security and Medicare, and he looks at me and says, that's not an unreasonable proposition — in private," Paul said Tuesday on Fox News Channel's "On the Record."

"But then, in public, we get all of this, oh, I'm not fixing anything if you're holding a gun to my head," he told host Greta Van Susteren. "Well, no, we're just trying to fix things because we want the same thing he does; we want the country to thrive, and we want to fix these entitlement programs."

Paul said Republicans and Democrats should get together and pass things they agree on —  which usually happens only about 20 percent of the time. Instead, he said, both sides always push for a "grand bargain" full of all kinds of issues.

It never works, he said.


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