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AWKward: WH adviser Dan Pfeiffer apologizes for ‘horrendous’ N-word tweet

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Oh, he apologized. That makes it all ok.

--- Quote ---White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer is well on his way to having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

@jmartNYT also a much bleep factor on the right—
Dan Pfeiffer (@pfeiffer44) October 08, 2013
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No need for the press to inquire into this. No need for Obama to take any action in regard to his employment. No need for the usually perennially outraged to make a fuss. Oh, heck no. He apologized.


--- Quote ---RB  @RBPundit   

Hey @pfeiffer44 how many times have you used the n-word so that "bigger" gets autocorrected to the term you use more often? HMMM??

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So, @pfeiffer44 realized there was the n word on his feed and deleted it, like Gov Perry did his rock

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I'll accept @pfeiffer44's apology just as soon as he accepts Perry's rock story. Until then, his tweet is obvious evidence of closet racism

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--- Quote ---Greg Pollowitz   @GPollowitz   

You see, the Left has been telling us we're racist bc we're unconsciously racist. Isn't that what they'd say if Rush L made that typo?

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--- Quote ---Carl Gustav  @CaptYonah   

Hi @pfeiffer44, please deal with your latent racism. Thanks.

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--- Quote ---Geoff Hamby  @GeoffHambyUA   

So @pfeiffer44 is accidentally tweeting out the "N-word" huh? Funny thing about auto-correct is it only substitutes commonly used words.

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--- Quote ---Suze   @suze109   

Hey @pfeiffer44 I guess you'd call that a typing #glitch, huh?

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It might be the President's codename. It wouldn't surprise me.

Lando Lincoln:
Next thing you know, the "B" will exiled far away from the "N" on the keyboard.  They will no longer be allowed to be neighbors and we will all need to re-learn typing.

A classic typo and now he has to defend himself...  At least it is mostly the left beating up on a lefty.  But, we have larger things to worry about.

Agreed. Gotcha is fun to play but wastes time and diverts attention from the important issues of the day.


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