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What Business are the Redskins of Obama’s? by KEITH KOFFLER



What Business are the Redskins of Obama’s?
by KEITH KOFFLER on OCTOBER 7, 2013, 9:39 AM
Well, I guess if he’s running your healthcare, the president must have a right to name your football teams too.

As you may be aware, President Obama in an interview late last week gave the royal thumbs down to the continued use of the name “Redskins” for Washington’s football team.

Which leads me to ask, gently, sweetly,


Is Obama now the Nation’s Moral Arbiter? Look at this. From the interview with the Associated Press:

--- Quote ---You know, Julie, obviously, people get pretty attached to team names, mascots. I don’t think there are any Redskins fans that mean offense. I’ve got to say that if I were the owner of the team and I knew that there was a name of my team — even if it had a storied history — that was offending a sizable group of people, I’d think about changing it.

But I don’t want to detract from the wonderful Redskins fans that are here. They love their team, and rightly so — even though they’ve been having a pretty tough time this year. But I think — all these mascots and team names related to Native Americans, Native Americans feel pretty strongly about it. And I don’t know whether our attachment to a particular name should override the real, legitimate concerns that people have about these things.

But I don’t have — I don’t have a stake in this in the sense that I’m not a part owner of any football team.
--- End quote ---

Thank you, thank you, Mr. President, for exculpating us Redskins fans on the charge of being offensive. We’re nice, but just not quite as enlightened as we should be. We’re stupid, not mean.

And how do you know, exactly, what we think? How can you be so wise? Maybe we all stand up at home each time the Skins score and holler, “This one’s for Custer!”

You’re right about one thing. You don’t have a stake. You’re the government. You’re not Solomon. Unless the Apache decide to go on the warpath, stay out of it.

And you’re dividing people by stirring this up. Unnecessarily. A 2002 poll by Sports Illustrated found 75 percent of American Indians have no objections. A 2004 poll by the Annenberg Public Policy Center put the total at 91 percent.

It’s your activist friends and not average Native Americans who care about this. Go back to ruining the economy.

This guy is such an ass and a pompous pretentious geeky nerdy ass at that.
I will never understand how anyone voted for this limp wristed metrosexual.


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