General Category > Politics/Government

Boehner: 'It is time for us to stand and fight'



10/6/13 9:39 AM EDT

House Speaker John Boehner says he wasn't pulled into demanding concessions from Democrats to keep funding the government - he willingly joined with fellow Republicans.

"I and my members decided that the threat of Obamacare and what was happening was so important that it was time for us to take a stand. And we took a stand," the Ohio Republican said in an interview aired Sunday on ABC's "This Week."

That's even though he had offered a clean government funding bill to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) over the summer. "There was a conversation about doing this ... several," Boehner said, but he ultimately decided against it.

"I, working with my members, decided to do this in a unified way," the speaker said -- with demands to defund, delay or otherwise alter the Affordable Care Act.

"You've never seen a more dedicated group of people who are thoroughly concerned about the future of our country," he said of House Republicans. "It is time for us to stand and fight."

Interesting.  Seems to me that someone's been sampling which way the wind's blowing.  Not that my opinion's worth that much, my not being a member of the political inner circles and all; unlike some here - at least unlike what some here claim (t_s, ahem) - I don't get to have dinner or drinks with my local government representatives on a regular basis, nor do I get to hobnob with those who do.


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