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Disgrace - two liberal presidents exploit Normandy


Disgrace — Two Liberal Presidents Exploit Normandy

By Jeannie DeAngelis   / 4 October 2013   / 6 Comments   

D-day_Normandy_Nara_26-G-2343 (1)

In a pathetic attempt to teach America a lesson for disagreeing with him, Barack Obama has chosen to target US veterans, specifically WWII octo- and nonagenarians.

The president, in a malicious move, has decided to blame Republicans for the government shutdown and, in turn, bar elderly veterans from a privately-funded open-air monument in Washington DC.

Compounding the nastiness, Obama has followed up by also targeting foreign locations such as Omaha Beach and the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial.

The American Battle Monuments Commission maintains cemeteries located around the world, all of which are the final resting place for the remains of 125,000 American soldiers, 94,000 of whom are memorialized on Tablets of the Missing.

Seems the man who enjoys picking on unborn children and elderly people doesn’t have any respect for the living or the dead, and has proven it by closing the D-Day invasion beach military cemetery as well as ten other cemeteries in France, other European countries, Mexico, Panama, Tunisia, and the Philippine Islands.

In short, America’s so-called Commander-in-Chief is refusing to allow tourists to pay respects to the American soldiers who spilled their blood on far-off shores and most notably the 9,000+ who died on Omaha Beach. It appears that if Barack Obama isn’t getting his way, no one is going to be paying respect to America’s war dead.

Although reprehensible, this isn’t the first time a liberal president has exploited holy ground for political gain.

It’s general knowledge that Bill Clinton had minimal affinity for the military. After all, this is the guy who admitted in his draft letter that he “loathed the military.” As a result, master cigar-smoker Clinton was so bad at saluting that after he was elected Ronald Reagan had to teach him how to salute.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, would more readily ask a soldier to hold his umbrella than prompt a military man or woman to return his salute.

Nevertheless, it was way back on June 6, 1994 when Bill Clinton celebrated the 50th anniversary of Normandy by gracing the beach with his pretentious self. At the time, it was reported that Clinton, the king of staged photo ops, happened to touchingly arrange a pile of rocks into the shape of a cross on Normandy Beach while a Navy battleship coincidentally floated by in the ocean.

According to journalist Michael Hutchison, who was there when it happened, in pictures taken just a few minutes prior to Clinton’s cross moment, there weren’t any rocks. Mr. Hutchison’s conclusion that the stones were placed there as a prop by Clinton staffers was probably correct.

And it got better. According to Hutchison, Clinton, a man famous for biting his bottom lip, consumed by grief and unable to contain his contemplative empathy, strolled prayerfully through the Normandy American Cemetery. Then unexpectedly, he “noticed that the small flag on a soldier’s tombstone had apparently blown over and … rolled itself up; frowning that exaggerated frown and shaking his head in disgust, [Clinton] unfurl[ed] the flag, plant[ed] it and salute[d] it while photographers shot video of this ‘private moment’ from behind the cemetery’s fence.”

So there you have it – two liberal presidents, both involved in shameful exploitations that used living and dead American heroes, Omaha Beach, and the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial for political gain. One president, a notorious sham who “loathed the military,” needed a saluting coach, and then, in order to portray himself as something he was not, used a war memorial as a backdrop for a staged performance to con the American people.

In hopes of getting his way, and certainly more despicable than a theatrical photo op, the other liberal president – juvenile, cruel, and currently in the throes of a very public temper tantrum – has chosen to exercise his power over war memorials, cemeteries, and elderly veterans, overseas and here at home.

Image; NARA image 26-G-2343 from From Pearl Harbor to Elvis: Images That Endure (direct image URL [1]); author: Chief Photographer’s Mate (CPHOM) Robert F. Sargent, U.S. Coast Guard; public domain



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