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There you go again, wanting to shut up anyone who disagrees with you.  That's not the way this works, Victor.

If you don't like moderate nominees, I suggest you make conservative possibilities more palatable to a wider group of voters.  Ted Cruz is in the process of making the Republican Party kryptonite to Independents.

And implying that anyone who opposes your strategy is the equivalent of a Nazi enabler--as Cruz did-- won't encourage many of your confreres to work with you in the future.

And implying that anyone who opposes your strategy is the equivalent of a Nazi enabler--as Cruz did

Spread the lie.


--- Quote from: GourmetDan on October 04, 2013, 05:54:09 pm ---Of course... it's always somebody else's fault.  Her vote to support insane-o Reid had nothing to do with it.

Another RINO-loser that needs to be shown the door...

--- End quote ---
The only alternative candidate that will replace Ayotte in NEW HAMPSHIRE is a democrat.

During Reagan's times, conservatives were intelligent and politically sophisticated and had enough common sense, to grasp that, and work towards mutually agreed ends.

During Reagan's times, conservatives were intelligent and politically sophisticated and had enough common sense, to grasp that, and work towards mutually agreed ends.

So tell me something, Truth_Seeker: how do we work toward "mutually agreed ends" when the other side adamantly refuses to talk with us?


--- Quote from: Cincinnatus on October 04, 2013, 06:49:21 pm ---During Reagan's times, conservatives were intelligent and politically sophisticated and had enough common sense, to grasp that, and work towards mutually agreed ends.

So tell me something, Truth_Seeker: how do we work toward "mutually agreed ends" when the other side adamantly refuses to talk with us?

--- End quote ---
Inside the GOP. Read the statement again. Common sense dictates you don't rule the day when the party is fighting among themselves, and holds a less than veto proof majority of just one chamber.

I mean intelligent and sophisticated enough,  to understand that. 


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