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Formerly Once-Ler:

--- Quote from: mystery-ak on October 04, 2013, 05:39:12 pm ---
For all its shortcomings, at least the position of Sens. Cruz and Lee was in defense of individual liberty. Does it really matter if there was an "endgame" to defend liberty? George Washington didn't have an "endgame" in mind until Lord Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown.

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Pretty shameless to say Washington didn't have a battle plan that included an end game of winning.  I can see him now sending his men in and shouting "you may die today but you'll have died for nothing, cause we already knew we couldn't win.  Do your duty."
  He also acknowledged, though, that many of his Republican Senate and House colleagues won't support the effort unless
  "the grassroots rise up in overwhelming numbers and demand it."
  "No politician in Washington can win this fight," Cruz said, adding that "only the American people" could.

Where is the grass roots uprising?  We will soon know the power of the Tea Party.  I bet the American voters strangely don't appreciate how the GOP is shuting down the government as we promised, for their own good and against their wishes.  Some of them don't remember we promised to stop Obamacare by Any Means Necessary!  They will surely thank us for saving them from free healthcare.  The kind that lets them experience first hand the death of a mother, while waiting for an appeal of the death panel's decision.  Or the death of a child because the only good doctor retired after Obamacare passed and their boy got the 3 martini lunch surgery.

Up to now all many of them have experienced is promise of government quality and the pride in electing a President who cared so much he gave them free healthcare.

--- Quote ---My neighbor spent 7 years in Vietnamese prisoner-of-war camps. He told me the other day that every day he was brought into interrogation, he knew he would be tortured if he didn't divulge critical military information. "You just did your duty," he said matter-of-factly. "It was just another day to be tortured. Just do your duty."

The Republicans should "do their duty." Those who fail to do so should consider themselves warned. A new day is dawning. Make a stand for liberty. The "strategy" and "endgame" will sort themselves out.

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OMG!  The duty of the Repubicans is to be like Christ?  They must do what they know is "right" in their hearts, and ignore the will of the people and ignore their constituents and get crucified.  Then they will be replaced by rats who will make the future worse.  Because that is what rats do.  It is their rasion d'etre.

How powerful will conservatives be when the GOP is shutout of power?  Will they ever be trusted with power again?


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