Author Topic: Dems admit they want to prolong shutdown  (Read 674 times)

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Dems admit they want to prolong shutdown
« on: October 03, 2013, 09:18:47 pm »
Dems Admit They Want to Prolong Shutdown

Posted on October 3, 2013   


Liberals are gambling that they won’t be blamed for the shutdown. They think they have the GOP over a barrel when the truth is people are sick of big government.
 Check it out:

Rep. Nunes: Democratic congressmen tell me privately they want to prolong shutdown

Two days into the government shutdown in Washington, D.C., and there is still no end in sight.

The good news: Both sides actually met at the White House Wednesday. The bad news: All they did was butt heads.

Many right wing Republicans seem to have all their chips on defunding the Affordable Health Act, so-called Obamacare, and are refusing to budge.

Republican Congressman Devin Nunes, who said the shutdown is bad for the GOP and has publicly criticized his party for what he calls a “silly” strategy, said the shutdown gives Democrats a political advantage.
“The Democrats are giddy about this behind closed doors. I mean, they think that this is going to give (House Minority Leader) Nancy Pelosi back the gavel,” said Nunes. “They’re very cocky, very confident.”