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Mark Levin to Obama: You lay one hand on WW2 vets and I’LL BRING HALF A MILLION PEOPLE TO THAT MEMORIAL!

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--- Quote ---Mark Levin warned everyone on Capitol Hill that if they lay a hand on the WWII vets at the memorial to arrest them for visiting their own memorial, he’ll bring a half a million people to march on Washington. He says it will ignite a movement like they’ve never seen before:

    I want to say this loud and clear to the people on Capitol Hill who are listening, to this administration. You lay one damn hand on one of those World War II vets at that memorial and I’ll bring half a million people to that damn memorial! You got that?!

    I’m sitting here stewing thinking about this – playing these damn games? You’ll ignite a movement in this country like you’ve never seen before! The biker patriot army – veterans from all over the country, every single war and battle in this country, Republican, Democrat, Independent, whatever!

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And Levin will try to hawk his Liberty Amendments book to every single one of them.

Levin is all about Levin these days.

I know a lot of people who will be right there with Levin if that happens! I'll be one of them!


--- Quote from: Bigun on October 03, 2013, 12:53:54 am ---I know a lot of people who will be right there with Levin if that happens! I'll be one of them!

--- End quote ---

So will I.


--- Quote from: sinkspur on October 03, 2013, 12:50:05 am ---And Levin will try to hawk his Liberty Amendments book to every single one of them.

Levin is all about Levin these days.

--- End quote ---

Sinkspur.  Question.  Have you ever served in the military?  Just asking


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