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Another Biden Gaffe? Take a Look at What a Photographer Caught Him Holding

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Another Biden Gaffe? Take a Look at What a Photographer Caught Him Holding
Oct. 1, 2013 10:05am Fred Lucas

Vice President Joe Biden – known for his verbal gaffes — accidentally revealed the cover of a classified document codeword in a photo published by AFP/Getty Images.
During a photo opportunity in the Oval Office on Monday, when President Barack Obama and Biden met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the vice president was holding the binder to a “classified document,” The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported.

The binder had the word “Codeword” written across it. The contents inside the document were not revealed.


He did that on purpose.

Even Biden can't be that stupid.

Well... I don't think so...


--- Quote from: GourmetDan on October 01, 2013, 07:41:34 pm ---He did that on purpose.

Even Biden can't be that stupid.

Well... I don't think so...

--- End quote ---

Hard to say....stupid; vain; stupid; vain?
I say Stupid and Vain.

Another - but equally telling - photo on this thread.

I don't know which is more disturbing, the fact he did this  OR the fact he gets classified info.



 ****cute kitty


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