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Why is Obama’s hatred of America tolerated?

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That's easy:  because he's the (drumroll, please) ...

and anything but supine tolerance of his every whim and caprice would be, well, racist.


--- Quote from: Fishrrman on October 02, 2013, 02:03:21 am ---Question:
"Why is Obama’s hatred of America tolerated?"

Because to oppose him and reveal him for what he is, would be racis'...

--- End quote ---

Then I'm a full fledged racist of the first order.  I oppose everything he does.


--- Quote from: Olivia on October 01, 2013, 06:05:34 pm ---As President of the United States of America, Obama’s hatred is something that cannot be avoided. 

Obama’s hatred comes in the persona of the worst possible combination: that of a Marxist Muslim.

We must remember Hitler was not a German, like Obama is not an American but was loved by the Germans.  Ask any surviving Jew of the concentration camps whether hatred can be avoided.  I think Obama is more in the National Socialist ilk, with an ugly tinge of Muslim (don't forget muslims fought for Hitler), and American hater. :troll:
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