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Democratic Party Broke, Unable to Pay its Bills


Democratic Party Broke, Unable to Pay its Bills

This is what happens when you spend more money than you have and you can’t fix the problem by using the whole country and its future generations as collateral while calling Republicans “terrorists” for refusing to raise the debt ceiling.

Obama babbles incessantly about the need to raise the debt ceiling to “pay our bills” while his party, like his old campaign, can’t pay its bills.

--- Quote ---
    There’s another budget crisis in Washington, and it’s unfolding inside the Democratic party. The Democratic National Committee remains so deeply in the hole from spending in the last election that it is struggling to pay its own vendors.

    It is a highly unusual state of affairs for a national party — especially one that can deploy the President as its fundraiser-in-chief – and it speaks to the quiet but serious organizational problems the party has yet to address since the last election…

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Not to worry.....there's $67 MILLION missing from the IRS slush fund.

[/extreme sarcasm]


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