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Angry Andrea Scolds Republican: 'Get Real', Ditch ObamaCare Delay To Avoid 'Hurting People'



Angry Andrea Scolds Republican: 'Get Real', Ditch ObamaCare Delay To Avoid 'Hurting People'

By Mark Finkelstein | September 30, 2013 | 14:03

Why do Dems need Debbie Wasserman-Schultz when they've got Andrea Mitchell?  There was no mistaking Mitchell's anger on her MSNBC show today as she scolded Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz .  "Get real," reprimanded Mitchell, twice telling Chaffetz the Republican bill delaying the implementation of ObamaCare was "dead on arrival."

For good measure, Mitchell put the onus on Republicans to cave in order to avoid "hurting people."  View the video after the jump.

Watch Mitchell make like the Chairwoman of the DNC.

--- Quote ---ANDREA MITCHELL: Congressman, Congressman: the bill you are going to pass is dead on arrival. We know that.  Because they're not going to repeal or defund or delay --

JASON CHAFFETZ: Everybody keeps saying that --

MITCHELL: Well, they voted on it several times. So you're just going back and forth. So let's get real for a second. Will you, and the House Republicans, given the fact there's a number of House Republicans that don't agree with you on that, people in your own caucus, what about having something passed without Hastert rule, what about majority rule in the House of Representatives and pass something to avoid hurting people who are really going to be hurt, federal workers and others who use federal services if this shutdown takes place at midnight tonight? . . . Congressman, what about the fact that you put in the exemption for, the waiver for contraception and reproductive health for women? That's also dead on arrival.

--- End quote ---

I see the liberal media is out if force attacking republicans. Karma is a b*tch!


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