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Sandy Hook Bell Stolen Hours After Opening Of Playground


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--- Quote ---ISLAND PARK, N.Y. (AP) — Police say a bell dedicated to those who died in Connecticut’s Sandy Hook school massacre has vanished just hours after it was placed at a newly built playground.

Nassau County police say the 8-inch by 8-inch brass bell was discovered missing around 1 p.m. Sunday from the playground in Island Park. It was last seen around 9 p.m. Saturday

That’s the day community completed a two-day effort to construct the playground. It is one of 26 dedicated to the 20 children and six educators killed in the December 2012 massacre in Newtown, Conn. The playgrounds are being built throughout the region in tribute.

The bell’s inscription says: “Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.”
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For cryin' out loud......of course someone was going to steal it. Idiots! 



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