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Peter King Won’t Vote For Another Bill Amending ObamaCare: ‘Tired of Ted Cruz Calling the Shots’


So what is this guy really upset about? A possible government shutdown or that Ted Cruz is getting all the attention instead of him?

--- Quote ---Congressman Steve King (R-NY) told Fox News Sunday afternoon he would not vote for another resolution to delay or defund ObamaCare if it meant shutting the government down, and that he was infuriated with Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) for letting the fight get to a stage at which the government was threatened.

“From the start I thought it was wrong to pursue this policy of threatening to shut the government down over defunding ObamaCare,” King said. “I went along with the votes up until now because I know that John Boehner does not want to shut the government down, and I was assured this was a process to keep the government open. Now we’re down to the last 24 or 48 hours, and it seems we’re closer than ever to the government shutting down. I think Harry Reid should accept the proposal that was made. If he doesn’t I don’t want the government to shut down and I don’t see how I can vote again to any more amending to ObamaCare.”

“We have too many people in our party, it’s a minority, who are following Ted Cruz, and they are tying up the entire Republican party,” King said. “The overwhelming majority of House members would vote to keep the government open. I’m tired of having Ted Cruz call the shots for the House Republicans.”
--- End quote ---

Peter King is just one more big government liberal so I'm surprised he voted for anything conservative in the first place.

You already know he's short on brains or he wouldn't think he's president material.


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