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Political Terrorism: Justice Department to Sue North Carolina Over Common Sense Voter Law



Political Terrorism: Justice Department to Sue North Carolina Over Common Sense Voter Law
Posted by Jammie on Sep 30, 2013 at 8:49 am

If you can’t win at the ballot box, sue them. This is how the political terrorists Obama and Holder roll.

    The Justice Department will announce Monday that it is suing the state of North Carolina for alleged racial discrimination over tough new voting rules.

    A person briefed on the department’s plans told Fox News that the suit would claim that the North Carolina statute violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act and would seek to have the state subject to federal pre-clearance before making “future voting-related changes.” The person also said the suit would be filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Nashville, Tenn.

    In asking for pre-clearance, the Justice Department will ask a federal judge to place the four provisions in North Carolina’s new law under federal scrutiny for an indeterminate period.

    The suit is the latest effort by the Obama administration to fight back against a Supreme Court decision that struck down the most powerful part of the landmark Voting Rights Act and freed southern states from strict federal oversight of their elections.

We keep hearing from the people how ObamaCare is the law as decided by the Supreme Court. Yet when the Supreme Court doesn’t rule their way does that stop them? Of course not. They don’t believe in democracy.


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