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Boehner blasts Senate Democrats for taking Sunday off



Boehner blasts Senate Democrats for taking Sunday off (Video)
By Pete Kasperowicz - 09/30/13 10:18 AM ET

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Monday morning blasted Senate Democrats not working Sunday, even as they continued to warn about the dire threat of a government shutdown.

"The Senate decided not to work yesterday," Boehner said in a rare speech on the House floor. "Well my goodness, if there's such an emergency, where are they?"

Boehner was joined by Republicans like Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), who said the Senate needs to work quickly to help the House avoid a government shutdown.

"The Senate needs to hustle," she said.

"Where, oh where, has the Senate gone?" asked Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas). "Where, oh where, can they be?"

The House passed a spending resolution early Sunday morning that would delay ObamaCare and repeal the medical device tax. Senate Democrats have said they would reject the GOP bill when the Senate reconvenes at 2 p.m. today.

But Boehner said people around the country support a delay in ObamaCare, and that the health law is a major reason why companies aren't hiring.

"The fact that nobody knows what the rules are, employers scared to death to hire new employees, cutting the hours many of their current employees, and for what reason?" he asked. "This law is not ready for prime time.

"It's time for the Senate to listen to the American people, just like the House has listened to the American people, and pass a one-year delay of ObamaCare and permanent repeal of the medical device tax."

video at link


All Boehner and the Pubbies have to do is go on Fox-only and list all of the bills they passed that would keep the gov't operating and sent up to the Rat-controlled Senate.

One of these days, enough people will tire of Rats crying 'wolf'.

If Boehner really wants to win, that is...


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