Author Topic: Jesse Jackson On Vodafone Selling Its Stake In Verizon Wireless: Racist…(Verizon Shake Down Coming?)  (Read 1414 times)

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Offline ABX

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    Here’s a good example of how such outrageous greed works. Earlier this month, Vodafone agreed to sell its 45 percent stake in Verizon Wireless, to the tune of $130 billion. To quote Barron’s, “As it happens, the dividend will be eligible for preferential tax treatment.” Of course it will — the 1 percent writes the rules....

....Not a single African-American, Latino, or female bond firm will share in the $265 million in fees generated from the mammoth $49 billion bond offering Verizon will use to fund the cash portion of the transaction....

We see where this is going. Jackson sees a $130 Billion transaction and decided he wants his cut.