Author Topic: Ignorant, dumb or stupid?  (Read 1220 times)

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Offline ABX

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Ignorant, dumb or stupid?
« on: September 27, 2013, 08:53:31 pm »
::snip:: ....However, Senator Cornyn is an experienced politician. He knows the wiles and ways of political maneuvering and parliamentary procedure. He knows the House bill will be amended by Senate Majority Leader Reid as soon as the Senate votes to stop debate (cloture). Senator Reid has said he will allow only one amendment to this bill, and that he will make that amendment after cloture. That amendment will be to fund Obamacare.

Cornyn knows Reid has enough votes to pass the amendment and the amended bill once debate is stopped. And Cornyn would remain true to his promise and vote “NO” on the amendment and the amended bill while knowing that the end result will be refunding Obamacare.

Knowing that the vote will go against what he promised, Senator Cornyn is still vowing to join Senators McCain and Graham in voting for cloture, so the Senate can go on to vote on this bill. I see this as being much like knowing that falling onto rocks beneath a cliff will be fatal, but jumping off the cliff is OK because jumping and hitting the rocks are two different things. Senator Cornyn wants to jump, oblivious of the crash that follows.

Is Senator Cornyn being ignorant, dumb, or stupid? You are the voter. You should be the judge of that....

Offline PzLdr

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Re: Ignorant, dumb or stupid?
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2013, 01:15:09 pm »
Why should Cornyn limit himself? He's all three.  :whistle:
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