General Category > Politics/Government

Lindsey Graham Proud of His Vote Defending Obamacare (and lies about it)

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The comments are tearing him up.

--- Quote ---

Today, I proudly voted to Defund Obamacare, and I am proud that every Senate Republican has united in support of the House-passed Defund Obamacare provision.

I only wish that more Senate Democrats, many of whom were responsible for Obamacare’s passage into law, would have voted with us. (NOTE: The amendment to remove the Defund Obamacare provision, which passed the House, was defeated by the Democrat-controlled Senate by a straight party-line vote of 44-54.)...

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Lindsey, you made the provision strip happen. Without your vote for Cloture, it would have required 60 votes to strip it and it would still be in there.

You lied.

Graham's people are deleting comments from that facebook post fast and furious. It went down from over 400 to 205 as I am writing this.

They also turned off commenting on his page. OOPS..

Now 183 comments. They are deleting anything that is calling Graham out for his lie.

From his FB page:
--- Quote ---Catherine Cath Nall Excuse me, soon to be EX-SENATOR GRAHAM. I don't see your name on this list: You have by your vote FOR Cloture have enabled Harry Reid the power to put funding for Obamacare BACK into the bill.. I and many, many more people in SC are over your traitorous ways and will do everything in our power & with out pocketbooks to support whoever runs against you in 2014~~ You can take that to the unemployment office!!
--- End quote ---


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