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DHS Muslim Adviser: Egyptian Christians Attacked By The Muslim Brotherhood Had It Coming To Them

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DHS Muslim Adviser: Egyptian Christians Attacked By The Muslim Brotherhood Had It Coming To Them…

This is the same guy who was recently promoted by DHS to senior fellow.

Via IPT:

    Dalia Moghaed, credited with helping President Obama draft his June 2009 Cairo speech about American relations with the Islamic world, recently downplayed attacks against Egypt’s Coptic Christians on a Facebook page.

    More than 80 Coptic churches were burned by Brotherhood supporters after the Egyptian military’s crackdown last month on Muslim Brotherhood encampments in Cairo. A local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party appeared to sanction violence in retaliation for the Coptic Church’s backing of the Egyptian military.

    Nonetheless, Mogahed pointed the finger at the Egyptian media.

    “The Egyptian media took advantage of the Copts to achieve many personal/political gains, which has angered the West,” Mogahed said in a Sept. 22 post which appeared on the Facebook page of the Egyptian Americans for Democracy and Human Rights (EADHR).

    The EADHR was founded by members of the Muslim American Society (MAS), which in turn was founded as an “overt arm” of the Egyptian Brotherhood.

    Mogahed isn’t the only American Islamist tied to the Obama administration to slam the Copts on social media.

    In a Sept. 15 Twitter post, Mohamed Elibiary, a member of the Department of Homeland Security’s Homeland Security Advisory Council, accused American Coptic activists of fanning hatred of Islam.

    “For decade since 9/11 attack extremist American #Coptic activists have nurtured anti #Islam & anti #Muslim sentiments among AM RT wing,” Elibiary wrote.

    In earlier tweets, Elibiary attacked American Copts for protesting against how their relatives in Egypt have been treated by the Islamists.

    “Good read by @mwhanna1 on need to reform #Coptic activism in #US including stop promoting #Islamophobia,” Elibiary wrote Sept. 14.

    “I think the Obama administration should be ashamed to have had someone like this in their administration,” said Michael Meunier, president of Egypt’s Al-Haya Party and a Coptic activist. “This underscores the thinking inside the Obama administration.”

The Muslim Brotherhood is quietly undermining our government institutions, our country, all the while we engage in political "dancing on heads of pins" arguments rather than focusing on what is really happening on our shores.

Every American needs to wake up and pay attention to the reality of the creeping power of Islam.  Here, not just over there.


--- Quote from: famousdayandyear on September 27, 2013, 03:18:16 am ---The Muslim Brotherhood is quietly undermining our government institutions, our country, all the while we engage in political "dancing on heads of pins" arguments rather than focusing on what is really happening on our shores.

Every American needs to wake up and pay attention to the reality of the creeping power of Islam.  Here, not just over there.

--- End quote ---

These people should never have made it into their positions and they would not have if we had more senators willing to stop this madness.


--- Quote from: Rapunzel on September 27, 2013, 03:25:42 am ---These people should never have made it into their positions and they would not have if we had more senators willing to stop this madness.

--- End quote ---

Point is the American people don't give a rat's a$$; and won't until someone they know has a body part removed or is blown to a bloody mist.  It's coming sooner rather than later.  All the signs are there.


--- Quote from: famousdayandyear on September 27, 2013, 03:29:38 am ---Point is the American people don't give a rat's a$$; and won't until someone they know has a body part removed or is blown to a bloody mist.  It's coming sooner rather than later.  All the signs are there.

--- End quote ---

I think they care. Most do not know.  Most do not inhabit blogs like us and unless you have someone break through the noise of the day the media ignores it. Also from the day Obama has been elected the American people have been overwhelmed with one thing after the other (those who pay attention have been) and there is so much bad the next bad thing pushes the last one off the radar in a heart beat.  And, without anyone in congress to make a stink it will never get any attention until we do have a disaster here at home.  Sad, but true.


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