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Reid: I’m not talking to Boehner



Reid: I’m not talking to Boehner
By Alexander Bolton - 09/26/13 01:47 PM ET

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Thursday he hasn’t had a single conversation with Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) about avoiding a government shutdown and doesn’t plan to.

“Send us a clean [continuing resolution], a clean debt ceiling [bill]. That’s the path forward. There’s no need for conversations. We’ve spoken loudly and clearly, and we have the support of the president of the United States,” Reid told reporters.

Reid and other members of the Democratic leadership said only House approval of a clean extension of government funding would avert a shutdown.

As time ticks down to the midnight deadline on Oct. 1, Reid has staunchly refused to negotiate with House Republicans over proposals to defund or partially repeal ObamaCare.

Reid has resisted even talking with Republican leaders, which he says could further encourage them to threaten a government shutdown or debt default.

Some Republicans view the debt limit as better leverage to extract concessions from Democrats on ObamaCare and other government spending. They argue the administration should prioritize debt payments to avoid default.

Reid said Democrats would not negotiate over the stopgap bill funding government even if Republicans agreed to turn off the automatic spending cuts known as sequestration.

“No, as much as we dislike the senseless sequestration,” said Reid.

Reid also ruled out a GOP proposal to attach a repeal of the medical device tax to the stopgap, even though many Democrats support eliminating it.

“We want a clean CR. That’s what we’re going to get. If they want to shut down the government, here’s how much time they have to figure it out: four days, 11 hours, 22 minutes and 15 seconds,” Reid said, pointing to a large television monitor in the Senate television studio counting down the time until government funding expires.

Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (Ill.), a supporter of repealing the medical device tax, said the stopgap measure is not the proper vehicle for it.

“My position is it should be replaced and the revenue it raises replaced as well,” Durbin said.

Durbin said adding a strict repeal to the continuing resolution would create a revenue gap on the order of $10 billion to $30 billion.

The Washington Post reported earlier this week that Reid urged President Obama to abandon discussions about setting up a bipartisan meeting of congressional leaders this week. Reid’s spokesman declined to comment on the report.

Spoken like a man used to Mob tactics. What's ours is ours. What's yours is negotiable.


--- Quote from: andy58-in-nh on September 26, 2013, 07:11:42 pm ---Spoken like a man used to Mob tactics. What's ours is ours. What's yours is negotiable.

--- End quote ---

Well he is from Nevada and there was a lot of stories about his days on the Nevada Gaming Commission... not to mention the G-Sting  I assume everyone here has read all about G-Sting - but in case you missed it:

Here is chapter 12 which covers John McCain's good friend Harry Reid:

Saturday, May 13, 2006
(12) HARRY REID: PLUS HERRERA, RHODES, KENNY, RORY, JAMESQuestions about Harry Reid's integrity go back a long way. Harry's campaign manager in 1974, Don Williams, always did brag about his mob run ins. Harry's land partner and good friend, Jay Brown, was part of the Tropicana skim problem in 1979 that had Harry investigated for possibly being in the Kansas City mobs pockets after Joe Agosto referred to having a Mr. Cleanface in his control. Harry sticks by his friends, no matter how hard they fall.

Monday, April 28, 2003Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal Ensign standing behind embattled GOP colleague in Senate Reid won't join other Democrats calling for Santorum to resign leadership post

Reid-Torricelli redux Last year, Sen. Harry Reid was pressured to step aside temporarily as Ethics Committee chairman after the fact came out that he had given a $500 legal defense donation to then-Sen. Robert Torricelli, D-N.J., who was under Senate investigation and who eventually resigned. Now, Torricelli has contributed $4,000 to Reid's re-election campaign. Reid says he plans to keep the money. "Bob Torricelli has been a friend of mine for more than 20 years, and I stick by my friends," Reid said.

It is doubtful anyone in Nevada would object to the notion that if anyone is handpicking candidates in the Democratic Party in the Silver State, it is Senator Harry Reid.

One Candidate Reid Recruited to Run For Office In 2002 Was Later Indicted And Another Pled "Guilty To Charges Stemming From" A Corruption Investigation. "In previous years, Reid was the chess master of Nevada politics, moving pawns in and out of races. But 2002 was not a banner year for the master, when results were tallied. He had a hand in urging Dario Herrera to run for the U.S. House, Erin Kenny to run for lieutenant governor, John Hunt for attorney general and John Lee for controller. All four lost. There wasn't a close race in the bunch. To add insult, since the election, Herrera has been indicted, and Kenny has pleaded guilty to charges stemming from a federal political corruption probe." (Jane Ann Morrison, "Reid Says He's Abandoning Candidate Recruitment In Wake Of 2002 Fiasco," Las Vegas Journal-Review, December 15, 2003) A prime case in point is the election of Rory Reid, Harry's son, to the County Commission. But Reid also clearly had a heavy hand in the selection of Dario Herrera to run for congress in 2002. In fact, if Dario was to move from the commission to congress, there had to be a loyal replacement and that is the entire reason Rory was selected to run in that district. So, having made clear that Senator Reid was intimately involved in monkeying with local level politics, what other campaigns was he involved in?

Well, why stop at musical chairs with the switch between Rory and Dario? The other switch that occurred in the 2002 year was the previously described move of Mark James into Erin Kenny's district so she could run for Lt. Governor. Now, the interesting thing is that Harry Reid had a house built in Searchlight Nevada by Jim Rhodes company. And by coincidence not only was Mark James representing Rhodes Homes, but Erin Kenny had also accepted a home from Rhodes (apparently as well as bribes). So it looks like Harry was very much involved with setting up these political moves and must have been in contact with Kent Oram. Once you realize Harry Reid is playing hardball political chess at this local level, you understand he is capable of much more devious moves.

Water study in rural area a step behind developers Shaun McKinnon The Arizona Republic Mar. 22, 2006 12:00 AM

Arizona regulators may take a closer look at the developer behind proposed megacommunities in northwestern Mohave County after he admitted violating federal election laws.

Corporation Commissioner Marc Spitzer said in a letter to his colleagues that he would like the board to consider whether Rhodes Homes is a "fit and proper entity" before granting an operating certificate to the private water company selected by the builder.

Jim Rhodes and two Rhodes Homes executives were fined a total of $159,000 by the Federal Election Commission for illegally funneling contributions to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Dario Herrera, a former Clark County, Nev., commissioner who was seeking a congressional seat in 2002.

The contributions were made in the names of 14 Rhodes employees and two spouses, according to the FEC. Rhodes asked the two executives named in the settlement to find the other employees to make the contributions.

Federal laws don't let donors make a contribution in the name of someone else and don't allow corporations to make contributions to candidates. By distributing the money through the others, Rhodes also exceeded campaign limits.

In all, Rhodes donated $27,000 to Herrera and $10,000 to Reid. Herrera is on trial in Las Vegas for taking cash bribes and favors from the owner of a strip club for favorable votes as a commissioner.

Spitzer wrote that he would like to ask for additional information on Rhodes and his companies if the commission decides to take more evidence in the water company case. A lawyer for Rhodes said the case is settled and no longer an issue.

- Shaun McKinnon Now, what makes this all so very much more interesting is that the above article shows Rhodes Homes has been looking to develop a huge housing development near Kingman Arizona. Mirror imaged across the Nevada/Arizona border is a little town called Searchlight Nevada, which just so happens to be the hometown of one Harry Reid. It also turns out that one Harry Reid has been buying up land around Searchlight at an incredible clip the last few years, around 213 acres that can be traced at this point, enough for approximately a subdivision of 1200 homes - unless you believe Harry is buying up desert land to preserve it. Now, the multimillion dollar question is whether there is access to water near Searchlight and whether Rhodes Homes is possibly looking into this as they are near Kingman. Just keep in mind, Searchlight is actually closer to Las Vegas than Kingman, and the corridor from Boulder City is already being developed. Even more interesting too is that one parcel of Reid land is co-owned with Jay Brown, a lawyer colleague of Oscar Goodman. As related before, Jay Brown's son David is helping to defend Dario Herrera in partnership with Eric Goodman, Oscar Goodman's son. Not only that, but Jay Brown worked for Galardi. Apr. 02, 2006Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal Bribery Trial Recap

WITNESS: FBI agent Christopher Byers BYERS: PROPOSED ORDINANCES 'DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSITE' Working on behalf of Galardi, Kenny feverishly worked on an ordinance that would allow nude dancers in strip clubs that serve alcohol. At the same time, Commissioner Yvonne Atkinson Gates was working on an amended code that would force strippers to perform on stages 6 feet away from patrons. Galardi hired well-known attorney and lobbyist Jay Brown to talk Atkinson Gates into backing off her proposal and offered him up to $50,000 if he was successful. Galardi also suggested paying Atkinson Gates $100,000 to drop her ordinance. "I don't get this bitch, man," Galardi said of Atkinson Gates during a Nov. 11, 2002, phone call. "We're flippin' going to go after her like nobody's business," Malone responded.

Apparently, Brown was hired not only to lobby Atkinson Gates, but to also lobby Dario Herrera.

Brian Allen, Reporter, KLASTV,G-Sting: Defense Attacks Galardi's Testimony, CredibilityApril 7, 2006 05:33 PM

George Federal Courthouse - April 6 - 1 p.m. Galardi also told the jury late this morning that he paid Las Vegas attorney Jay Brown $50,000 to work as a lobbyist, with his job specifically being to lobby both Dario Herrera and Yvonne Atkinson Gates. In addition Galardi testified that his former attorney, Peter Christianson, knew of the plan to bribe county commissioners.
Posted by Blogger at 1:14 PM

During the so-called building boom of the Bush years Reid bought up a ton of land around Searchlight - his hometown in the middle of nowhere between I-40 and Las Vegas...  he also managed to push Federal Funding for a "new bridge" (which has never been built) between Bullhead City and Laughlin - claims were made the existing Laughlin Bridge was not adequate (it is adequate)... and then all of a sudden a huge swath of river-front land on the Colorado River turned out to be owned by Harry Reid and the site of the location for said bridge... the state(s) NV and AZ would have to pay Reid a premium for the land to build the bridge which all the US Taxpayers were funding.  At the same time Rhodes (Reid's buddy) was buying up a lot of land and getting special water dispensation for said land to build houses out in the middle of no where between Las Vegas and Kingman.. Reid, got kickbacks on those land and water deals.


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