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Tom Coburn to MSNBC: ‘I’m No Longer a Conservative’ According to Ted Cruz

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Tom Coburn to MSNBC: ‘I’m No Longer a Conservative’ According to Ted Cruz
by Evan McMurry | 7:38 am, September 26th, 2013

On Morning Joe Thursday morning, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) tepidly praised Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) for his symbolic filibuster, before severely criticizing his “intellectually dishonest” tactics to defund ObamaCare that Coburn said were misleading Republican voters.

“I’m finishing up nine years in the Senate,” Coburn said. “Nobody has a higher conservative rating than I do. I’m now no longer a conservative according to the standards that have been set by the expectation of this process.”

“I’m getting all sorts of e-mails from people that supported me, because they have been misled about what’s possible.” Coburn said. “Do people not think if I could change ObamaCare, I’d do it in a minute? It’s a disappointment that we have put a short term goal with lousy tactics ahead of being honest with the American people.”

The Senator noted that Cruz had nowhere near the sixty-seven votes in the Senate necessary to override President Barack Obama’s inevitable veto of a continuing resolution that defunded his principle legislative accomplishment.

“The problem with politics is if you create expectations you can’t fulfill, that leads to disappointment,” Coburn said. “You know, I’m all for changing the Affordable Care Act, eliminating it and doing something that’s more transparent, more market-oriented. To create the impression that we can defund ObamaCare when the only thing we control—and barely—is the U.S. House of Representatives, is not intellectually honest.”

video at link

LMAO....well Tom I suspect Cruz is right since you had to go on MSNBC to proclaim this!

olde north church:

Actually, not according to Ted Cruz, but according to his constituents back in Oklahoma where he is very unpopular of late and it the main reason he is not running for re-election,  Oklahoman's love Inhoff... the doctor -- not so much these days.

Just as an aside, last night I attended a meeting of my local Tea Party and, after we agreed what to burn down next, I was given a copy of the 07/22/13 edition of the John Birch Society publication, The New American. In it, the Society provides a Congressional scorecard "based on the U.S. Constitution". With them Coburn has a rating of 90% as does Cruz 90%. McCain gets a resounding 56%. My own 2 senators, God love 'em, are Murray 13% and Cantwell 10% (which means they both accidentally got something right at least once).

If anyone would like to know how their own senators or representative rates, merely ask and I will post it.



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