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Huma Abedin Returns to Hillary Clinton's Transition Team


The wife of sexting-scarred and failed mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner is back on the job as director of Hillary Clinton’s transition office.

 Clinton spokesman Phillippe Reines told Talking Points Memo that Huma Abedin is working again at the position from which she took time off in July.

 Reines sharply disputed Abedin ever did anything but take a break.

 "Huma is Transition Director as much today as" she was before "she took some well-deserved time off," Reines said in an email to TPM.

 TPM said Abedin helped Weiner campaign and fundraise, but she was notably absent from his side after a July 23 press conference in which Weiner confessed to online flirtations even after his resignation from Congress. The former first lady and former President Clinton were reportedly upset at Weiner’s scandalous behavior.

 In an interview with BuzzFeed last month, Weiner said he knew his wife would have a role on a Clinton presidential campaign, but confessed: "I feel that what I have done has hurt her. Hurt her professionally, hurt her personally. She’s gotten roughed up."

 Abedin was nowhere in sight on primary election day Tuesday, and Weiner never mentioned her in his concession speech that night, The New York Post reported.

 Instead, she spent election eve at a Clinton fundraiser in Washington. Weiner’s campaign explained she wasn’t around to cast her ballot with her husband Tuesday because she had to "jump on a call," the newspaper reported.

 On Thursday, pictures of Abedin and Weiner together were in the New York Daily News: she scanning her phone while her husband drove their SUV.

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So what does it mean?  :shrug:

Huma power lunches with Tina Brown
By Page Six Team
September 21, 2013 | 8:56pm

Now that Anthony Weiner ’s mayoral bid is over, his wife, Huma Abedin, has time for power lunches.

Abedin was spotted with former editor of the Daily Beast Tina Brown at Lure Fishbar on Friday afternoon.

“It seemed like a serious business lunch,” a spy told us.

Brown recently left her post at the Daily Beast to start her own conference business. Could she be trying to work Huma to get to Hillary, or perhaps Brown is pitching herself for a role on a future Clinton presidential campaign.

What a triangle!

Huma caught in the middle between Hillary, Weiner
By Emily Smith, NY Post
October 6, 2013 | 10:24pm

Huma Abedin is still torn between Hillary Clinton and her husband Anthony Weiner.

Since Weiner’s failed mayoral bid, Abedin has now refocused on advising the former Secretary of State as she mulls a possible 2016 presidential run. But a source tells us Hillary has issued an ultimatum to Abedin that the doting wife must dump Weiner if she wants a top role in her campaign and administration.

A source tells us, “Hillary is horrified by Weiner, and thinks that he is an embarrassment to his accomplished wife. She wants Huma to leave him behind. But Huma is torn between her family and loyalty to Hillary.”

But Hillary has conceded that if Huma stays with Weiner she will be “looked after” and helped into a comfy, but less high profile role.

A Clinton rep told us this was “totally false,” while another source told us that Huma’s colleagues have been “extremely supportive.”

Rumors have been rife that Huma and Weiner were ready to split after his disastrous bid. But she did appear at his campaign commiseration bash at Almond a week ago.

Huma caught in the middle between Hillary and a Weiner....

what a disgusting thought


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